Nizkoskolacku ... jsi opravdu smesny ... ty placas nesmysly i kdyz celkem o nic nejde ... ty Twaine.
What is a Truism? Meaning and Examples of Common Truisms
"The word truism derives from the adjective "true", which is from the Old English words "triewe" and "treowe", which mean honest, faithful, and trustworthy. The earliest use of the term is attributed to Irish Anglican cleric and satirist Jonathan Swift in 1708. A record of this is preserved in the collection The Works of Jonathan Swift, DD, Volume 8, 1824."
Ja to samozrejme taky nevedel ale nemam ve zvyku placat o necem o cem nic nevim. Overuji si vsechno a predkladam co jsem nasel aby nebyly mylky ... tak jak to dela CNN a MSNBC. Ty, na druhou stranu, sledujes FOX NEWS a BlejtFart tak neni divu, ze jsi pomateny a nevis co je a neni pravda. nejak 60% toho co pises ti vyvracim jednim vyhledanim na Googlu. Nebo ty pouzivas pravicacky Google?
Jsi trapny ... ty "DEMAGOGU"