Rozcestník >> Společnost a komunity >> Amerika, američané, americké zvyky


Název: Amerika, američané, americké zvyky
Kategorie: Společnost a komunity
Založil: -
Správci: freekarol
Založeno: 21.11.2020 19:40
Typ: Dočasné
Stav: Veřejné
Zobrazeno: 5705938x

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Zobrazení reakcí na příspěvek #26455

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| Předmět:
11.05.21 04:31:42 | #26455

Biden approval rating: Thumbs up overall, but thumbs down on immigration: poll

Biden stands at 63% approval and 36% disapproval in the poll, which was conducted April 29-May 3. That compares to 54%-42% approval/disap­proval in an average of all the most recent surveys that was compiled by Real Clear Politics.

According to the poll, Biden has a 71%-27% approval on dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. And he stands at 62%-35% on health care, 57%-42% on the economy, and 54%-41% on foreign policy. But the president’s approval drops to 48%-49% on gun policy, and 43%-54% on immigration, following a surge of migrants at the nation’s southern border earlier this year.

| Předmět: RE:
11.05.21 04:34:25 | #26456 (1)

The poll also indicates that 54% say things in this country are going in the right direction, the highest level in AP polling since 2017. *14506*
