Rozcestník >> Společnost a komunity >> Amerika, američané, americké zvyky


Název: Amerika, američané, americké zvyky
Kategorie: Společnost a komunity
Založil: -
Správci: freekarol
Založeno: 21.11.2020 19:40
Typ: Dočasné
Stav: Veřejné
Zobrazeno: 5761256x

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Zobrazení reakcí na příspěvek #28801

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| Předmět: RE:
05.06.21 17:16:37 | #28801
Reakce na příspěvek #28800

"The article included discussion of an email or memo by a Democratic operative that Russian hackers had stolen, but that was not among the tranche that intelligence officials say Russia provided to WikiLeaks for public disclosure as part of its hack-and-dump operation to manipulate the election".

"The American government found out about the memo, which was said to express confidence that the attorney general at the time, Loretta Lynch, would not let an investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server go too far. Mr. Comey was said to worry that if Ms. Lynch made and announced the decision not to charge Ms. Clinton, Russia would put out the memo to make it seem illegitimate, leading to his unorthodox decision to announce that the F.B.I. was recommending against charges in the matter".

Tohle je pro srandopuče, aby to nemusel cist cely.


| Předmět: RE: RE:
05.06.21 17:23:49 | #28804 (1)

Chtel bych jeste vam oboum podotknout ze tohle nema s Trumpem vubec nic spolecnyho.


| Předmět: RE: RE:
05.06.21 21:43:13 | #28826 (1)

Tak samozrejme podotykat muzes co chces - nikldo te nemuze zastavit krome spravce a admina. Neznam te jinak nez lhare a prekrucovace realniho sveta. Dokonce muzes vynechat z clanku, jak jsi udelal, toto:
"The disclosure came two days after the Biden Justice Department notified the four reporters that the Trump administration, hunting for their sources, had in 2020 secretly seized months of their phone records from early 2017. That notification followed similar disclosures in recent weeks about seizing communications records of reporters at The Washington Post and CNN."
A ze Dear Leader to delal az do Biden inauguration 20. To by ferovy a slusny clovek urcite podotknul.

Mozna tohle te uklidni a budes moct zase spat: *18394*
Justice Department to End Pursuit of Reporters’ Phone Records Over Leaks
(Ministerstvo Spravedlnosti zastavilo pronasledovani/sbi­rani telefonnich informaci novinaru/repor­teru.)
The change reverses a longstanding practice after President Biden said it was wrong
(Tato zmena obrati/zrusi dlouhodobou praxi po tom co Ptresident Biden prohlasil ze to bylo nespravne.)

Trump Justice Department secretly obtained Post reporters’ phone records
(Ministerstvo Spravedlnosti za vlady Trumpa tajne obdrzelo telefonni informace novinare deniku Washington Post.)

U.S. Waged Secret Legal Battle to Obtain Emails of 4 Times Reporters
(US vedl tajny legalni boj o emails 4 novinaru z deniku New York Times.)
The push began in the Trump administration and continued under President Biden, and the Justice Department obtained a gag order to keep it from public view.
(Toto zacalo za vlady Trumpa a pokracovalo za President Bidena kdy Ministerstvo spravedlnosti melo zakazano o sbirani telefonnich informacich kohokoliv informovat.)


| Předmět: RE: RE: RE:
05.06.21 21:52:16 | #28830 (2)

A co takhle par slov k tomu ceho se tyka ten citat? Proto jsem sem nedal cely clanek ale jenom ten citat - kvuli tomu aby sis ten citat precet. K cemu evidentne vubec nedoslo.



| Předmět: RE: RE: RE:
05.06.21 21:55:42 | #28832 (2)

Tobe samozrejme nema cenu nic podotykat, protoze ty uvidis Trumpa za vsim, i za tim za cim jeste vubec nebyl. Jako v tomhle konkretnim pripade. Kdyz jeste nebyl prezident.
