Rozcestník >> Společnost a komunity >> Amerika, američané, americké zvyky


Název: Amerika, američané, americké zvyky
Kategorie: Společnost a komunity
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Správci: freekarol
Založeno: 21.11.2020 19:40
Typ: Dočasné
Stav: Veřejné
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Předmět diskuze: Amerika, američané, americké zvyky - *VULGÁRNÍ NADÁVKY & VULGÁRNÍ URÁŽKY směřující na zdejší diskutéry, nejsou povolené. *KDO MÁ BAN: *PRAVIDLA KONSTRUKTIVNÍ DISKUSE:
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| Předmět:
19.07.22 12:47:12 | #76943

Více než 40 % amerických volicu se domnívá, že ozbrojení obcané, nikoliv orgány cinné ve vymahatelnosti zakona, jsou nejlepším zpusobem ochrany verejnosti pred masovými strelci, ukázal celostátní pruzkum Convention of States Action.

Ozbrojení obcané jsou nejlepší ochranou, odpovedelo 41,8 procenta volicu, zatímco 25,1 procenta se domnívá, že nejlepší ochranou pri masové strelbe jsou orgány cinné ve vymahatelnosti zakona.

| Předmět: RE:
19.07.22 14:45:59 | #76946 (1)

LEZ..........­........... podej zdroj

| Předmět: RE: RE:
19.07.22 15:04:31 | #76947 (2)

Neprovokuj, OK?


| Předmět: RE: RE:
19.07.22 15:14:07 | #76948 (2)
| Předmět: RE: RE: RE:
19.07.22 15:35:13 | #76955 (3)

věřim tomu, že to všeobecně tak je. kravina toho článku je v tohhle a kdyby ten průzkum probíhal v texasu, tak je těch procent pro, ještě víc......The poll was conducted of 1,078 likely general election voters between July 7 and July 10, with a margin of error of plus or minus 2.9 percent.....

| Předmět: RE: RE: RE: RE:
19.07.22 15:42:49 | #76959 (4)

Tohle ví každý, kdo někdy dělal průzkum, stačí pokládat ty správné otázky a pak je snadné dostat výsledek, jaký je potřeba. Nakonec, dobře to ví i právníci. 😀


| Předmět: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE:
19.07.22 15:55:58 | #76960 (5)

Mozna v Cesku to vi kazdy, protoze jste Cesi a NICEMU neverite *16449*


| Předmět: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE:
19.07.22 15:58:55 | #76962 (6)

Pokud jsi chodil do školy, učil ses tam vědecké obory. A věda není o tom věřit, ale vědět.


| Předmět: RE: RE: RE: RE:
19.07.22 16:10:22 | #76970 (4)

naprostej souhlas


| Předmět:
19.07.22 04:32:40 | #76919

beammeup Uživatel je online | Předmět: RE: RE: RE: vysoka inface?17.07.22 22:42:01 | #76789 (3)
4.7% wage increase + 9.1% retail inflation rate (in June) = 4.4% decrease in the standard of living.
No matter how you spin it. *18358*
srandomat Uživatel je online | Předmět: RE: RE: RE: RE: vysoka inface?před 4 hodinami | #76897 (4)
jak jsi dostal vysokoskolaku z 4.7 + 9.1 = 4.4 ? *2* *2* *2*

Ahaaaaa ... ty jsi tam psal s procentama (%) a tak se ti to popletlo *18394* *24664*


| Předmět: RE:
19.07.22 06:55:47 | #76929 (1)
neco jsem napsal,pak smazal,pak napsal....a pak mi doslo ze
a tak jsem to smazal


| Předmět: RE:
19.07.22 06:58:07 | #76931 (1)

ale alespon vime jak to mas s tim vzdelanim... *6478*


| Předmět: RE:
19.07.22 07:01:25 | #76932 (1)

Ty mas s tema procentama nejaky problem?


| Předmět: RE: RE:
19.07.22 15:18:51 | #76950 (2)

Kazdopadne z toho co bublina napsal rek o sobe docela dost *27179*


| Předmět: Howdy doody time
19.07.22 01:59:02 | #76910

Legrace brzo zacne...28 cervence letime do Australie se zastavkou v Hawaii na par dni. V Melbourne navstivime dceru asi na mesic a pak do Prahy na tri roky. Prodali sme uz barak a tesime se na nase dobrodruzstvi. Dum sme uz prodali tak nas nic nedrzi. *3074*

| Předmět: RE: Howdy doody time
19.07.22 03:23:21 | #76911 (1)

normalne ti zavidim dedku! Ale tak uprimne,protoze ti to zaroven preju;-) Predpokladam ze barak jsi prodal ke spokojenosti a dost pravdepodobne za cenu naprosto nejlepsi protoze mam pocit ze ceny ted pujdou znacne dole.


| Předmět: RE: RE: Howdy doody time
19.07.22 04:40:26 | #76921 (2)

Prodali sme barak se ziskem. Koupili sme ho za 200,000 dolaru a prodali za 580,000. Dobry zisk ktery jde primo do banky. *3074*


| Předmět: RE: RE: RE: Howdy doody time
19.07.22 06:34:44 | #76925 (3)

hlavne jsou to nezdanovane penize,coz je u jednorazovyho prijmu v tyhle vysce naprosto zasadni *6478*


| Předmět: RE: Howdy doody time
19.07.22 03:25:34 | #76913 (1)

jo koukam ze pak Praha...tak to beru spatky,zas takovej dobrodruh nejsem;-))) Mne by ted do europy nedostali ani na par dni...


| Předmět: RE: RE: Howdy doody time
19.07.22 04:42:00 | #76922 (2)

Co je spatneho na Praze? Je to krasne mesto plne mych pribuznych. Uz se na to tesim Moje rodne mesto, znam tam kazdy ctverecni metr. *3074*


| Předmět: RE: Howdy doody time
19.07.22 03:26:23 | #76914 (1)

hlavne nezapomen na zasoby jodu!


| Předmět: RE: RE: Howdy doody time
19.07.22 04:47:15 | #76923 (2)

Na co jod proboha? *3074*


| Předmět: RE: RE: RE: Howdy doody time
19.07.22 06:33:23 | #76924 (3)

to te v armade nenaucili k cemu ho budes potrebovat?;-) *727*


| Předmět: RE: RE: RE: RE: Howdy doody time
19.07.22 08:55:00 | #76937 (4)

Ja sem asi nedaval pozor ve tride, pouc me!!


| Předmět: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Howdy doody time
19.07.22 15:24:36 | #76952 (5)

pomaha v pripade ze jsi zasazenej radiaci


| Předmět: RE: Howdy doody time
19.07.22 06:55:53 | #76930 (1)

JJ v Praze to dobrodružství bude zaručeně :-)))) *16160* *21991* *33856* . Okradou vás hned v taxíku z letiště.


| Předmět: RE: RE: Howdy doody time
19.07.22 08:37:20 | #76935 (2)

Okradou nas taxikari? Blbost, nenarodil jsem se vcera. Ja spis okradu je!!! *3074*


| Předmět: RE:
19.07.22 01:01:52 | #76908 (1)

podobne pripady jsou vcelku caste,pred par lety prepad nejakej magor na jihu Houstonu prodejnu se zbranema. Dostal po plnym zasobniku od sesti zakazniku,policii se anI nepovedlo urcit kterej zasach byl smrtelnej(byl deravej jako syto) A tak pochvalili vsech 6 strelcu rovnym dilem *1038* *5325* *1038*


| Předmět: RE: RE:
19.07.22 01:07:26 | #76909 (2)

vysetrovani tyragedie ve skole v TX zatim prokazala nekolik FAKTU 1) zadnej z demokraty navrhovanych zakonu o kontrole zbrani by tomu strelci nezabranil obstarat si legalne zbran. 2) policajti jednali naprosto spatne a to zejmena kuli tlaku na nich kterej je nuti jednat se zlocinci maximalne ohleduplne.3) strelec si jiz klasicky zamerne vybral misto kde predpokladal neozbrojeny obcany.


| Předmět:
19.07.22 00:06:26 | #76901
| Předmět: RE:
19.07.22 00:19:32 | #76903 (1)

Přijde v Californii mladý pár k lékaři do ordinace a skoro pláče:
„Pane doktore, pomozte, už si nevíme rady. Chtěli bychom dítě, ale nedaří se. Žijeme zdravě, cvičíme, sportujeme, pravidelně souložíme a pořád nic.“
Doktor se na ně podívá a řekne:
„Hoši, vy jste ale pitomci...“


| Předmět: RE: RE:
19.07.22 00:39:26 | #76905 (2)
*14967* *14967* *14967*


| Předmět:
18.07.22 23:52:52 | #76894

*beammeup** Uživatel je online | Předmět: RE: RE:před 24 hodinami | #76795 (2)
Samozřelmě že zájmy teploušů a genderqueers, nebo to jestli by desetilety holky mely byt schopny bez vedomi rodicu prcat, nejsou pro Republikány tak důležité, jako pro Demokraty. Naše strana je strana tradičních společenských hodnot, což je neco za co jsou Republikani ochotni politicky zaplatit. Na rozdil od morálně zvrácených Demokratů.

Vase strrana je strana ignorantu. Dukaz? Tohle je starsi, ale ten idiot, vazeny clen GOP, vas stale ve Washingtonu representuje. Jestli potrebujes take vysvetleni jak to funguje, tak nakresli na Googlu píču a oni ti to tam vysvetlí … *2* *2*

Anti-abortion lawmaker gets anatomy lesson – women cannot swallow camera for exam
Idaho representative Vito Barbieri asks if a woman can swallow a camera for remote gynecological exam before medical abortion — the answer is no

“Zákonodárce z Idaho dostal krátkou lekci o ženské anatomii poté, co se zeptal, zda žena může spolknout malou kameru, aby lékaři provedli gynekologické vyšetření na dálku.

Otázka z pondělního republikánského státního zástupce Vita Barbieriho přišla, když si sněmovní výbor pro státní záležitosti vyslechl téměř tři hodiny svědectví o návrhu zákona, který by lékařům zakázal předepisovat léky vyvolávající potraty prostřednictvím telemedicíny.

Dr. Julie Madsenová svědčila v opozici k návrhu zákona, když Barbieri položil otázku. Madsen odpověděl, že by to bylo nemožné, protože spolknuté pilulky neskončí ve vagíně.”
Vase “strana tradičních společenských hodnot, což je neco za co jsou Republikani ochotni politicky zaplatit.” Jste ochotni zaplatit za “non disclosure agreements” (dohodu o mlčenlivosti)? … Je s tebou prdel ty spolecenska hodnoto! *2* *2*

Ted mi je rada na tobe mi vysvetlit: Kdyz teplousi nemaji existovat a lide “s tradičníma společenskýma hodnotama” je zamitaji, biji a zabijeji, tak proc je tvuj Buh stvoril? Urcite na to mas odpoved pro vsechny tady … ty vsevedo s tradičníma společenskýma hodnotama.
*18394* *24664*

| Předmět: RE:
19.07.22 00:07:07 | #76902 (1)

A můžeš mi dát nějaký příklad těch "zabíjenejch teploušů"?
Jestli ne, tak zas zalez tam odkuď jsi vylez.


| Předmět: RE: RE:
19.07.22 00:21:32 | #76904 (2)

ja proti teplousum nic nemam...ale tenhle jeden mi vadi *27179*


| Předmět: RE: RE:
19.07.22 04:25:20 | #76915 (2)

Hele jake mas nevedomosti vysokoskolaku. Prestan s tim ignorantnim psanim nebo lidi si budou myslet, ze jsi totalne blbej.

Tohle jsou (asi neuplne) prvni 2 hits na googlu ... holecku.

Violence against LGBT people since 1964
March 13, 1964 – Kitty Genovese, a lesbian living in the Kew Gardens neighborhood of Queens, New York, with her girlfriend, Mary Ann Zielonko, was stabbed to death while walking to her apartment complex.
March 9, 1969 [19] – Howard Efland, a gay man who had checked into the Dover Hotel in Los Angeles, under the pseudonym J. McCann, was beaten to death by officers of the Los Angeles Police Department.[20]
June 28, 1969 – Police, in the early morning hours, raided a gay bar, the Stonewall Inn, located in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City. This event sparked the Stonewall riots, which were a series of demonstrations by members of the LGBT community.
June 24, 1973 – An arsonist burned the Upstairs Lounge, a gay bar in New Orleans, killing 32 people.[21]
June 21, 1977 – Robert Hillsborough was stabbed to death in San Francisco by a man shouting "faggot".[22]
July 5, 1978 – A gang of youths armed with baseball bats and tree branches assaulted several men in an area of Central Park in New York City that was known to be frequented by homosexuals. The victims were assaulted at random, but the assailants later confessed that they had deliberately set out to the park to attack homosexuals. One of those injured was former figure skater Dick Button, who was assaulted while watching a fireworks display in the park.[23][24]
November 27, 1978 – Openly gay San Francisco city supervisor Harvey Milk, along with Mayor George Moscone, was assassinated by political rival Dan White at San Francisco City Hall. Outrage over the assassinations and the short sentence given to White (seven years) prompted the White Night riots.[25]
January 1979 – Tennessee Williams was beaten by five teenage boys in Key West. He escaped serious injury. The episode was part of a spate of anti-gay violence inspired by an anti-gay newspaper ad run by a local Baptist minister.[26]
June 5, 1979 – Terry Knudsen was beaten to death by three men in Loring Park in Minneapolis, Minnesota.[27]
September 7, 1979 – Robert Allen Taylor was stabbed to death near Loring Park in Minneapolis. A local reporter interviewed the murderer from jail and was told, "I don't like gays. Okay?"[27]
October 7, 1979 – 17-year-old Steven Charles of Newark, New Jersey, was beaten to death in New York City by Robert DeLicio, Costabile "Gus" Farace, Farace's cousin Mark Granato, and David Spoto. They also beat Charles' friend, 16-year-old Thomas Moore of Brooklyn. Moore was critically injured but managed to get help at a nearby residence. Moore identified the four men via a lineup four days after the incident. Farace, the leader of the attack, pleaded guilty to first-degree manslaughter and was paroled after eight years, in 1988. He himself was murdered on November 17, 1989.[28][full citation needed]
1982 – The beating of Rick Hunter and John Hanson by Minneapolis police outside the Y'all Come Back Saloon on January 1, 1982. Hennepin County Hospital emergency room staff employees testified in court that the police called the two men "faggots" while the men were being treated for their injuries.[29]
1982 – Robert Altom died in 1982 after being attacked by Cecil Corrie Turner outside the former JB's Paradise Room on North Vancouver Avenue in Portland, Oregon.[30]
1984 – Charlie Howard was drowned in Bangor, Maine, for being "flamboyantly gay".[31]
January 17, 1987 – Shelby bookstore murders: Three men are killed and two more are seriously wounded after being shot execution-style at an adult bookstore known as a meeting place for homosexuals. Three or four gunmen were involved in the attack and the gunmen set the bookstore on fire after the shooting. Two members of the White Patriot Party were charged for the shooting though one was acquitted at trial and the second had his charges dropped. The case is unsolved.
December 15, 1987 – Anthony Milano was killed in Levittown, PA after two men alleged he was gay. His attackers, Frank Chester and Frank Laird, were sentenced to death row in Pennsylvania in 1988.[32]
May 13, 1988 – Rebecca Wight was killed when she and her partner, Claudia Brenner, were shot by Stephen Roy Carr while hiking and camping along the Appalachian Trail. Carr later claimed that he became enraged by the couple's lesbianism when he saw them having homosexual relations.[33]
May 15, 1988 – Tommy Lee Trimble and John Lloyd Griffin, two gay men, were harassed and later shot by Richard Lee Bednarski in Dallas, Texas. Bednarski was later convicted of the two murders but was sentenced to 30 years rather than life in prison. The judge who issued the sentence, Jack Hampton, said later that he did so because the victims were homosexuals who would not have been killed if they "hadn't been cruising the streets" for men. Hampton's comments caused considerable controversy. He was later censored for his remarks and ultimately lost a bid for judicial re-election in 1992.[34][35]
December 1988 – Venus Xtravaganza, a transgender performer, was found murdered on Christmas. It was estimated that she had been dead for 4 days.
1990 – James Zappalorti, a gay Vietnam veteran, was stabbed to death in Staten Island, New York.[36]
July 2, 1990 – Julio Rivera was murdered in New York City by two men who beat him with a hammer and stabbed him with a knife because he was gay.[37]
1991 – Paul Broussard, a Houston-area banker, was murdered. He was attacked by 10 young men along with Clay Anderson and Richard Delaunay, who survived. All ten of the attackers were eventually convicted, with sentences ranging from probation and fine for the respective hospitalization and funeral bills to the 45-year imprisonment of Jon Buice, who confessed to inflicting the fatal stab wound.[38]
October 27, 1992 – U.S. Navy Petty Officer Allen Schindler was murdered by a shipmate who stomped him to death in a public restroom in Japan.[39] Schindler had complained repeatedly about anti-gay harassment aboard ship.[39] The case became synonymous with the debate over gay people serving in the US military that had been brewing in the United States culminating in the "Don't ask, don't tell" bill.[40]
1993 – Brandon Teena, a trans man, was raped and later killed when his birth gender was revealed by police to male friends of his.[41] The events leading to Teena's death were depicted in the movie Boys Don't Cry.[42]
March 9, 1995 – Scott Amedure was murdered after revealing his attraction to his friend Jonathan Schmitz on a The Jenny Jones Show episode about secret crushes. Schmitz purchased a shotgun to kill Amedure and did so after Amedure implied he still was attracted to him; Schmitz then turned himself in to police.[43][44]
November 20, 1995 – Chanelle Pickett, 23, an African American trans woman, died at the home of William C. Palmer after a fight that, according to Palmer, ensued after Palmer discovered that she was transgender and he demanded she leaves his home. Patrons of the Playland Café, where they had met, said that Palmer was a regular there with a well known preference for transsexuals.[45]
December 4, 1995 – Roxanne Ellis and Michelle Abdill, a lesbian couple in Medford, Oregon, were murdered by a man who said he had "no compassion" for bisexual or homosexual people.[46] Robert Acremant was convicted and sentenced to death by lethal injection.[47]
January 4, 1996 – Fred Mangione, a gay man, was murdered in Texas by two Neo-Nazi brothers. His partner, Kenneth Stern, was also attacked, but survived. One of the attackers, Ronald Henry Gauthier, later received at 10-year probation sentence.[48]
May 1996 – Julianne Williams, 24, and Lollie Winans, 26, were murdered at their campsite along the Appalachian Trail on Virginia's Skyline Drive in Shenandoah National Park. They were bound and gagged and their throats were slit. To date, there has been no conviction in the murders.
August 1, 1996 – Nick Moraida, a 34-year-old Latino gay man, was murdered during a robbery. His murderer, Richard Cartwright, was given the death penalty.
February 21, 1997 – Otherside Lounge bombing, a lesbian nightclub in Atlanta, was bombed by Eric Robert Rudolph, the "Olympic Park Bomber;" five bar patrons were injured. In a statement released after he was sentenced to five consecutive life terms for his several bombings, Rudolph called homosexuality an "aberrant lifestyle".
October 7, 1998 – Matthew Shepard, a gay student, in Laramie, Wyoming, was tortured, beaten severely, tied to a fence, and abandoned; he was found 18 hours after the attack and succumbed to his injuries less than a week later, on October 12. His attackers, Russell Arthur Henderson and Aaron James McKinney are both serving two consecutive life sentences in prison.[49]
February 19, 1999 – Billy Jack Gaither, a 39-year-old gay man, was brutally beaten to death in Rockford, Alabama. His attackers, Steve Mullins and Charles Monroe Butler were found guilty of murder and were both sentenced to life imprisonment without parole.[50]
July 1, 1999 – Gay couple Gary Matson and Winfield Mowder was murdered by white supremacist brothers Benjamin Matthew and James Tyler Williams in Redding, California. James Williams was sentenced to a minimum of 33 years in prison, to be served after his completion of a 21-year sentence for firebombing synagogues and an abortion clinic.[51] Benjamin Williams claimed that by killing the couple he was "obeying the laws of the Creator".[52] He died by suicide in 2003 while awaiting trial. Their former pastor described the brothers as "zealous in their faith" but "far from kooks".[53]
September 1999 – Steen Fenrich was murdered, apparently by his stepfather, John D. Fenrich, in Queens, New York. His dismembered remains were found in March 2000, with the phrase "gay nigger number one" scrawled on his skull along with his social security number. His stepfather fled from police while being interviewed, then killed himself.[54]
October 15, 1999 – Sissy "Charles" Bolden was found shot to death in Savannah, Georgia. Police arrested Charles E. Wilkins, Jr., in July 2003; he admitted the killing and was charged with two other homicides, according to the Savannah Police Department.
On April 29, 2009, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to extend federal law to classify as "hate crimes" attacks based on a victim's sexual orientation or gender identity (as well as mental or physical disability).[55] The U.S. Senate passed the bill on October 22, 2009.[56] The Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act was signed into law by President Barack Obama on October 28, 2009.[57]

July 3, 2000 – Arthur "J.R." Warren was punched and kicked to death in Grant Town, West Virginia, by two teenage boys who reportedly believed Warren had spread a rumor that he and one of the boys, David Allen Parker, had a sexual relationship. Warren's killers ran over his body to disguise the murder as a hit-and-run. Parker pleaded guilty and was sentenced to "life in prison with mercy", making him eligible for parole after 15 years.[58] His accomplice, Jared Wilson, was sentenced to 20 years.[59]
September 22, 2000 – Ronald Gay entered a gay bar in Roanoke, Virginia, and opened fire on the patrons, killing Danny Overstreet, 43 years old, and severely injuring six others. Ronald said he was angry over what his name now meant, and deeply upset that three of his sons had changed their surname. He claimed that he had been told by God to find and kill lesbians and gay men, describing himself as a "Christian Soldier working for my Lord"; Gay testified in court that "he wished he could have killed more fags," before several of the shooting victims as well as Danny Overstreet's family and friends.[60]
June 16, 2001 – Fred Martinez, a transgender and two-spirit student, was bludgeoned to death near Cortez, Colorado, by 18-year-old Shaun Murphy, who reportedly bragged about attacking a "fag".[61][62]
August 25, 2001 Gary Raynall was found brutally beaten to death in Leawood, Kansas. The case is still unsolved and family members believe his death was a hate crime.[63]
June 12, 2002 – Philip Walsted, a gay man, was fatally beaten with a baseball bat. According to prosecutors, the neo-Nazi views of Walsted's assailant's, David Higdon, led to what was originally a robbery escalating to murder. Higdon was sentenced to life in prison, plus an additional sentence for robbery.[64]
August 6, 2002 – Rodney Velasquez, a 26-year-old Latino gay man, was found murdered in the bathtub of his Bronx apartment.[65]
October 3, 2002 – Gwen Araujo, a teenage trans woman, was murdered by at least three men who were charged with committing a hate crime. Two were convicted of murder, the third manslaughter; however, the jury rejected the hate crime enhancement.
December 24, 2002 – Nizah Morris, a 47-year-old black trans woman, was possibly murdered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.[66]
December 12, 2001 – Terrianne Summers, a 51-year-old trans woman and activist for transgender rights, was shot and killed in her front yard in Florida. No arrests were made, and police did not investigate her murder as a hate crime.[67] Terrianne's high visibility as a trans woman due to her activist role has led her to be included in lists of anti LGBT hate crimes, although lack of police interest in her murder means the motives behind the killing may never be known.
May 11, 2003 – Sakia Gunn, a black 15-year-old lesbian, was murdered in Newark, New Jersey. While waiting for a bus, Gunn and her friends were propositioned by two men. When the girls rejected their advances, declaring themselves to be lesbians, the men attacked them. One of the men, Richard McCullough, fatally stabbed Gunn. In exchange for his pleading guilty to several lesser crimes including aggravated manslaughter, prosecutors dropped murder charges against McCullough, who was sentenced to 20 years.[68][69]
June 17, 2003 – Richie Phillips of Elizabethtown, Kentucky, was killed by Joseph Cottrell. His body was later found in a suitcase in Rough River Lake. During his trial, two of Cottrell's relatives testified that he lured Phillips to his death, and killed him because he was gay.[70] Cottrell was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to 20 years in prison.[71]
July 23, 2003 – Nireah Johnson and Brandie Coleman were shot to death by Paul Moore, when Moore learned after a sexual encounter that Johnson was transgender.[72] Moore then burned his victims' bodies. He was convicted of murder and sentenced to 120 years in prison.[73]
July 31, 2003 – 37-year-old Glenn Kopitske was shot and stabbed in the back by 17-year-old Gary Hirte[74] in Winnebago County, Wisconsin. Prosecutors contended that Hirte murdered Kopitske to see if he could get away with it.[75] Hirte pleaded insanity, claiming he killed Kopitske in a murderous rage after a consensual sexual encounter with the victim, because he felt a homosexual act was "worse than murder". The 'temporary insanity' mitigation plea was not upheld, he was found guilty, and received a life sentence.
August 2003 – Emonie Spaulding, a black 25-year-old trans woman, was shot to death in Washington, D.C., by Derrick Antwan Lewis after he discovered she was trans.[76]
July 22, 2004 – 18-year-old Scotty Joe Weaver of Bay Minette, Alabama, was murdered. His burned and partially decomposed body was discovered a few miles from the mobile home in which he lived. He was beaten, strangled and stabbed numerous times, partially decapitated, and his body was doused in gasoline and set on fire. Three people were charged with capital murder and robbery in connection with the crime, two of whom were Weaver's roommates: Christopher Gaines, aged 20, Nichole Kelsay, aged 18, and Robert Porter, aged 18. Nichole Kelsay had been Weaver's friend throughout most of his life.
October 2, 2004 – Daniel Fetty, a gay man who was hearing-impaired and homeless, was attacked by multiple assailants in Waverly, Ohio. Fetty was beaten, stomped, shoved nude into a garbage bin, impaled with a stick, and left for dead; he succumbed to his injuries the next day. Prosecutors alleged a hate crime. Three men received sentences ranging from seven years to life.[77]
January 28, 2005 – Ronnie Antonio Paris, a three-year-old boy living in Tampa, Florida, died due to brain injuries inflicted by his father, Ronnie Paris, Jr. According to his mother and other relatives, Ronnie Paris, Jr., repeatedly slammed his son into walls, slapped the child's head, and "boxed" him because he was concerned the child was gay and would grow up a sissy. Paris was sentenced to thirty years in prison.[78][79]
On February 27, 2005, in Santa Fe, New Mexico, 21-year-old James Maestas was assaulted outside a restaurant, then followed to a hotel and beaten unconscious by men who called him "faggot" during the attack. Although all of his attackers were charged with committing a hate crime, none was sentenced to prison.[80]
March 11, 2005 – Jason Gage, an openly gay man, was murdered in his Waterloo, Iowa, apartment by an assailant, Joseph Lawrence, who claimed Gage had made sexual advance to him. Gage was bludgeoned to death with a bottle, and stabbed in the neck, probably post-mortem, with a shard of glass.[81] Lawrence was sentenced to fifty years in prison.
October 25, 2005 – Emanuel Xavier, an openly gay poet and activist, was surrounded and brutally beaten by a group of fifteen to twenty teens on the streets of Bushwick which left him permanently deaf in his right ear.[82]
February 2, 2006 – 18-year-old Jacob D. Robida entered a bar in New Bedford, Massachusetts, confirmed that it was a gay bar, and then attacked patrons with a hatchet and a handgun, wounding three.[83] He fatally shot himself three days later.[84]
June 10, 2006 – Kevin Aviance, a female impressionist, musician, fashion designer and "oldest daughter" of the legendary House of Aviance was robbed and beaten in Manhattan by a group of men who yelled anti-gay slurs at him. Four assailants pleaded guilty and received prison sentences.[85]
July 30, 2006 – Six men were attacked with baseball bats and knives after leaving the San Diego Gay Pride festival. One victim was injured so severely that he had to undergo extensive facial reconstructive surgery. Three men pleaded guilty in connection with the attacks and received prison sentences. A 15-year-old juvenile also pleaded guilty.[86][87]
October 8, 2006 – Michael Sandy was attacked by four young heterosexual men who lured him into meeting after chatting online, while they were looking for gay men to rob. He was struck by a car while trying to escape his attackers, and died five days later without regaining consciousness­.[88][89]
February 27, 2007 – Andrew Anthos, a 72-year-old disabled gay man, was beaten with a lead pipe in Detroit, Michigan, by a man who was shouting anti-gay names at him. Anthos died 10 days later in the hospital.[90]
March 15, 2007 – Ryan Keith Skipper, a 25-year-old gay man, was stabbed to death in Wahneta, Florida. Four suspects were arrested for the crime. The Sheriff called it a hate crime.[91]
March 16, 2007 – Ruby Ordeñana, a 24-year-old Latina transgender woman, was found naked and strangled to death in San Francisco, California, at 5:40 am.[92][93] Donzell Francis, who was suspected of raping and strangling Ordeñana, was convicted on December 23, 2009, and sentenced to 17 years and 18 months in prison for forcible oral copulation, robbery, assault causing great bodily injury, and false imprisonment of another transgender woman.[94]
May 12, 2007 – Roberto Duncanson was murdered in Brooklyn, New York. He was stabbed to death by Omar Willock, who claimed Duncanson had flirted with him.[95]
May 16, 2007 – Sean William Kennedy, 20, was walking to his car from Brew's Bar in Greenville, South Carolina, when Stephen Andrew Moller, 18, got out of another car and approached Kennedy. Investigators said that Moller made a comment about Kennedy's sexual orientation, and threw a fatal punch because he did not like the other men's sexual preference.[96]
September 9, 2007 – A gay bashing occurred in the Towers West Quiznos on the campus of Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee.[97] A student, Robert Gutierrez, and a non-student hurled homophobic abuse at two gay students and beat one up.[97] A report was filed with the Vanderbilt University Police Department, and Gutteriez was reportedly suspended, although it could not be confirmed.[98] Gutteriez dismissed it as "just a fight",[98] but the Dean of Students suggested it was "a premeditated, unprovoked attack".[97] The victims were not named to protect their anonymity.[98]
October 2007 – Steven Domer, a 62-year-old gay man, was murdered in Oklahoma.[99]
December 8, 2007 – 25-year-old gay man Nathaniel Salerno was attacked by four men on a Metro train in Washington, DC. The men called him "faggot" while they beat him.[100]
January 8, 2008 – Stacey Brown, a black 30-year-old trans woman, was found dead in her apartment. She had been shot in the head.[101]
July 1, 2008 – Ebony Whitaker, an African American trans woman, was shot and killed in Memphis.[102]
February 2008 – Duanna Johnson, a trans woman, was beaten by a police officer while she was held in the Shelby County Criminal Justice Center in Tennessee. Johnson said the officers reportedly called her a "faggot" and "he-she", before and during the incident.[103] In November 2008, she was found dead in the street, reportedly gunned down by three unknown individuals.[104]
February 4, 2008 – Ashley Sweeney, a trans woman, was shot in the head. Her body was found in Detroit, Michigan.[105]
February 10, 2008 – Sanesha Stewart, a 25-year-old black trans woman, was stabbed to death in Bronx, New York.[106]
February 12, 2008 – Lawrence "Larry" King, a 15-year-old junior high school student, was shot twice by a classmate at E.O. Green School in Oxnard, California. He was taken off life support after doctors declared him brain dead on February 15.[107] According to Associated Press reports, "prosecutors have charged a 14-year-old classmate with premeditated murder with hate-crime and firearm-use enhancements"­.[108][109][110]
February 22, 2008 – Simmie Williams Jr. was a black gender-nonconforming 17-year-old, who was shot dead on a street corner in Broward County, Florida.[111]
March 16, 2008 – Police say Lance Neve was beaten unconscious in Rochester, New York, because Neve was gay. A man attacked Neve at a bar leaving him with a fractured skull, and a broken nose. Jesse Parsons was sentenced to more than five years in prison for the assault.
May 29, 2008 – Eighteen-year-old Steven Parrish, a member of the 92 Family Swans subgroup of the Bloods, was murdered by Steven T. Hollis III and Juan L. Flythe on orders from gang leader Timothy Rawlings Jr., in Baltimore County, Maryland after they found "gay messages" on his cell phone. They felt having a gay member would make their gang appear weak. Hollis III pleaded guilty and was sentenced to life in prison, Flythe was given a life sentence with all but 30 years suspended, and Rawlings was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. A fourth man, Benedict Wureh, pleaded guilty to being an accessory after the fact and was sentenced to time served, about 17 months.[112]
June 9, 2008 – Jeremy Waggoner, an openly gay hairstylist from Royal Oak, Michigan, was brutally murdered in Detroit. His murder is still unsolved.[113]
July 17, 2008 – Eighteen-year-old Angie Zapata, a trans woman, was beaten to death in Colorado two days after meeting Allen Ray Andrade. The case was prosecuted as a hate crime, and Andrade was found guilty of first degree murder on April 22, 2009.[114]
August 20, 2008 – Nahkia Williams, a black trans woman, was shot to death in Louisville, Kentucky. Damon Malone was charged with her murder, robbery, and burglary, and sentenced to 35 years in prison.[115]
September 7, 2008 – Tony Randolph Hunter, 27, and his partner were attacked and beaten near a gay bar in Washington, D.C. Hunter later died from his injuries on September 18. Police are investigating it as a possible hate crime.[116]
September 13, 2008 – 26-year-old Nima Daivari was attacked in Denver, Colorado, by a man who called him "faggot". The police that arrived on the scene refused to make a report of the attack.[117]
September 21, 2008 – 22-year-old trans woman Ruby Molina's nude body was found facedown on the bank of a river in isolated and undeveloped area in Sacramento, California.[118]
November 7, 2008 – The home of openly gay Melvin Whistlehunt in Newton, North Carolina, was destroyed by arsonists. Investigators found homophobic graffiti spray-painted on the back of the house.[119]
November 14, 2008 – 22-year-old Lateisha Green, a trans woman, was shot and killed by Dwight DeLee in Syracuse, New York, because he thought she was gay.[120] Local news media reported the incident with her legal name, Moses "Teish" Cannon.[121] DeLee was convicted of first-degree manslaughter as a hate crime on July 17, 2009, and received the maximum sentence of 25 years in state prison. This was only the second time in the nation's history that a person was prosecuted for a hate crime against a transgender person and the first hate crime conviction in New York state.[122][123][­124]
December 12, 2008 – A 28-year-old lesbian in Richmond, California, was kidnapped and gang raped by four men who made homophobic remarks during the attack.[125]
December 26, 2008 – Taysia Elzy, a 34-year-old trans woman, and her partner, 22-year-old Michael Hunt, were shot to death and left for dead in their apartment by 20-year-old Chris Conwell.[126]
December 27, 2008 – 24-year-old Nathan Runkle was brutally assaulted in Dayton, Ohio, outside a gay nightclub.[127]
January 17, 2009 – Caprice Curry, a 31-year-old trans woman in San Francisco, California, was stabbed to death.[128]
February 15, 2009 – Efosa Agbontaen and Branden McGillvery-Dummett were attacked in New York City by four young men with glass bottles and box cutters who used anti-gay slurs during the attack. Agbontaen and McGillvery-Dummett both required emergency room treatment for their injuries.[129]
February 18, 2009 – Two men were arrested in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, for the stabbing death of gay veteran Michael Goucher.[130]
March 1, 2009 – Three men entered a bar in Galveston, Texas, and attacked patrons with rocks. One of the victims, Marc Bosaw, was sent to the emergency room to have twelve staples in his head.
March 14, 2009 – A gay couple leaving a Britney Spears concert in Newark, New Jersey, were attacked by 15 teens. Josh Kehoe and Bobby Daniel Caldwell were called "faggots" and beaten. Caldwell suffered a broken jaw.[131]
March 23, 2009 – Two gay men were attacked in Seaside, Oregon, and left lying unconscious on a local beach. The men regained consciousness and were treated at a nearby hospital.[132]
April 6, 2009 – Carl Joseph Walker-Hoover, an 11-year-old child in Springfield, Massachusetts, hanged himself with an extension cord after being bullied all school year by peers who said "he acted feminine" and was gay.[133]
April 10, 2009 – Justin Goodwin, 36, of Salem, Massachusetts, was attacked and beaten by as many as six people outside a bar in Gloucester, Massachusetts. Goodwin suffered a shattered jaw, broken eye socket, broken nose and broken cheekbone. Goodwin later died by suicide.[134] Brothers Jonathan and William Chadwick, both of Gloucester, and John Curley-Brotman of Boston, Massachusetts, pleaded guilty to charges of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. The assault was not considered a hate crime by authorities despite pressure from the Goodwin family to declare it so. On June 23, 2010, the Chadwick brothers were each sentenced to four years in state prison, and Curley-Brotman was sentenced to two years in the county jail of Middleton, Massachusetts.[135]
June 18, 2009 – Patti Hammond Shaw, an African-American trans woman, turned herself into a police station in Washington, D.C., after receiving a letter saying there was a warrant for her arrest on charges of making a false police report. Despite producing documents supporting her right to be housed with other women, she was placed in a men's facility. According to her suit, officers "groped her breasts, buttocks and between her legs repeatedly and excessively". She is now suing Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department and the U.S. Marshals service for the treatment she received.[136]
June 30, 2009 – Seaman August Provost was found shot to death and his body burned at his guard post on Camp Pendleton. LGBT community leaders "citing military sources initially said that Provost's death was a hate crime."[137] Provost had been harassed because of his sexual orientation.[137] Military leaders have since explained that "whatever the investigation concludes, the military's "Don't ask, don't tell" policy prevented Provost from seeking help."[137] Family and friends believe he was murdered because he was openly gay (or bisexual according to some family and sources);[138][­139][140][141] the killer died by suicide a week later after admitting the murder, the Navy have not concluded if this was a hate crime.[142]
October 25, 2009 – Dee Green, a trans woman, was found by police unconscious, stabbed in the heart, and bleeding on a street in Baltimore, Maryland. She was taken to a hospital where she died half an hour later. Larry Douglas was charged with first-degree murder in April 2010.[143]
November 2009 – Jason Mattison Jr., an openly gay 15-year-old boy, was violently murdered and raped at his aunt's house by 35-year-old Dante Parrish, a family friend who had been in prison for murder previously.[144] Parrish was convicted for Mattison's murder and in April 2012 was sentenced to life without parole (the conviction included a second life term for attempted sexual assault).[145]
December 9, 2009 – Mariah Malina Qualls' body was found in a San Francisco hotel.[146] She was a 23-year-old transgender woman who volunteered and was a member of the Asian & Pacific Islander Wellness Center's TRANS:THRIVE community.
January 18, 2010 – The half-naked corpse of Myra Chanel Ical, a 51-year-old trans woman, was found in a vacant lot in Houston, Texas.[147]
March 30, 2010 – Amanda Gonzalez-Andujar, a 29-year-old Latina trans woman, was found dead in her Queens, New York, apartment. The autopsy found that her attacker, Rasheen Everett, had strangled her, then doused her body with bleach.[148] In December 2013 Everett was sentenced to 29 years to life. At sentencing Everett's lawyer, John Scarpa, disputed the sentence with the statement: "Who is the victim in this case? Is the victim a person in the higher end of the community?" The judge, Queens Supreme Court Justice Richard Buchter, responded, "This court believes every human life is sacred ... It's not easy living as a transgender, and I commend the family for supporting her."[149]
April 3, 2010 – Toni Alston, a black 44-year-old transgender woman, was shot in the front door of her home in western Charlotte, North Carolina.[150]
May 7, 2010 – Dana A. "Chanel" Larkin, a 26-year-old black trans woman who worked as a prostitute, was shot three times in the head by her client, Andrew Olacirequi, after she asked him if he was okay with them having sex despite her male genitalia. She was found dead on the pavement of a Milwaukee street.[151]
June 21, 2010 – Sandy Woulard, a 28-year-old trans woman, was shot in the chest in South Side, Chicago. A passing motorist found her lying in the street, and she was pronounced dead at the hospital.[152]
September 11, 2010 – Victoria Carmen White, a 28-year-old black transgender woman, died of bullet wounds in her New Jersey apartment. It is unknown whether she was targeted by her killer, Alrashim Chambers, for her gender identity.[153]
October 3, 2010 – A 30-year-old male known as "la Reina" (the Queen), Bryan Almonte, and Brian Cepeda, both 17, were kidnapped in the Bronx by a homophobic group of youths calling themselves the Latin King Goonies, sodomized by foreign objects including a plunger and baseball bat, burned with cigarettes, and tortured for hours. One of the teenage victims had wanted to join the gang the attackers were part of, but when members saw him with the 30-year-old, they later picked him up and took him to an abandoned apartment, and asked him if the two had had sex. When the teenager responded positively, he was beaten and sodomized. The gang later picked up the second teenager whom they had also seen with the 30-year-old and repeated the process. They then lured the 30-year-old to the building with the promise of a party. When he arrived with alcohol, the gang tied him up and tortured him, and made the 17-year-old burn him with cigarettes. They then robbed the man's 40-year-old brother, coercing him by putting a cellphone to his ear so he could hear his brother beg to pay them.[154][155][­156]
October 14, 2010 – Stacey Blahnik Lee, a 31-year-old black trans woman, was found murdered in her Philadelphia home by her boyfriend.[157]
November 17, 2010 – 18-year-old Joshua Wilkerson was found dead in a field in Pearland, Texas, after being beaten to death and set on fire by a friend of five years, Hermilo Moralez. This was supposedly retaliation for unwanted sexual advances.[158]
January 11, 2011 – Chrissie Bates, a 45-year-old transgender woman, was stabbed to death in her downtown Minneapolis apartment. Arnold Darwin Waukazo was sentenced to 367 months in prison for the murder.[159]
February 19, 2011 – Tyra Trent, a black 25-year-old trans woman, was found strangled to death in a vacant house.[160]
April 2011 – Kevin Pennington, a gay 28-year-old male, was kidnapped and severely beaten in a Kentucky park by two men shouting anti-gay epithets. David Jason Jenkins and Anthony Ray Jenkins face possible life sentences for anti-gay hate crimes.[161] On March 15, 2012, the Kentucky State Police assisted the FBI in arresting David Jenkins, Anthony Jenkins, Mable Jenkins, and Alexis Jenkins of Partridge, Kentucky, for the beating of Kevin Pennington during a late-night attack in April 2011 at Kingdom Come State Park,[162][163] near Cumberland. The push came from the gay-rights group Kentucky Equality Federation, whose president, Jordan Palmer, began lobbying the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Kentucky in August 2011[164] to prosecute after stating he had no confidence in the Harlan County Commonwealth's Attorney to act.[165] "I think the case's notoriety may have derived in large part from the Kentucky Equality Federation efforts," said Harvey, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Kentucky.[166] Mable Jenkins and Alexis Jenkins pled guilty.[166]
April 22, 2011 – Chrissy Lee Polis,[167] a 22-year-old trans woman, was beaten in a violent struggle by two African-American women for entering the women's bathroom in Baltimore County, Maryland, which triggered her to have a seizure. A McDonald's employee, who was later fired, filmed the encounter and released the film on the internet; it since went viral. Teonna Monae Brown, 19, pleaded guilty to first-degree assault and a hate crime in the beating and was sentenced to five years in prison, plus three years of supervised probation. The other woman was charged as a juvenile and committed to a juvenile detention facility.[168]
June 2011 – Rosita Hernandez, a Cuban trans woman, was stabbed to death in Miami.[169] In November 2011, Miguel Pavon was charged with first-degree murder after his DNA was matched with samples found in the victim's residence.[170]
June 5, 2011 – CeCe McDonald, a young African American trans woman, was attacked outside a tavern shortly after midnight in Minneapolis, Minnesota.[171] CeCe fatally stabbed her attacker with a pair of scissors.[172] She was subsequently convicted of manslaughter and jailed for 19 months in a men's prison.[173]
July 20, 2011 – Lashai Mclean, a 23-year-old African American trans woman, was shot to death in Northeast, Washington, D.C.[174]
August 11, 2011 – Camila Guzman, a Latina transgender woman, was found murdered in her apartment in East Harlem, Manhattan.[175]
September 8, 2011 – Cameron Nelson, a 32-year-old gay man, was attacked at his place of employment in Utah.[176]
October 11, 2011 – Shelley Hilliard, a black transgender teen who had been reported missing, had her burnt torso identified by police in Detroit.[177] Her killer, 30-year-old Qasim Raqib, was sentenced on March 6, 2012, to 25–40 years in jail.[178]
November 15, 2011 – Danny Vega, a 58-year-old Asian-American gay man who worked as a hairdresser in Rainier Valley, Seattle, was beaten and robbed as he was taking a walk. The beating left Vega in a coma from which he later died.[179]
November 17, 2011 – Cassidy Nathan Vickers, a 32-year-old black transgender woman, died from a gunshot wound to the chest in Hollywood. Her killer, who is still unidentified, is also suspected of shooting and attempting to rob another black transgender woman on the same day.[180]
December 17, 2011 – Charlie Hernandez, a 26-year-old who was openly gay, was stabbed to death following a brawl that included anti-gay slurs that occurred with two men after he accidentally stepped on some sunglasses.[181]
December 24, 2011 – Dee Dee Pearson, a 31-year-old transgender woman, died from bullet wounds in Kansas City, Missouri. Kenyan L. Jones was charged with second-degree murder and armed criminal action. Jones told police he paid to have sexual relations with Pearson, believing her to be a cisgender woman, but hours after having sex with her, discovered she was not.[182] Angered by what he considered to be a deception, he got a 9 mm caliber handgun, found Ms Pearson, and killed her.[183] Jones was arrested on suspicion of her murder.[184]
December 29, 2011 – The body of Give Goines, a black 23-year-old trans woman[185] who had been reported missing two weeks beforehand, was found in a scrapheap in New Orleans. An autopsy set that the time of her death as much as two days before her body was discovered and that she had been strangled.[186]
January 21, 2012 – Crain Conaway, a black 47-year-old trans woman, was found dead in her home in Oceanside, California.[187] Tyree Paschall Monday was arrested in connection with her murder.[188]
February 2, 2012 – JaParker "Deoni" Jones, a 23-year-old black trans woman, was stabbed in the head while waiting at a Metrobus stop in Washington, D.C.[189]
February 2012 – Cody Rogers, an 18-year-old teenager, was brutally assaulted and targeted with homophobic slurs at a party in Oklahoma after defending a female friend who was also attacked.[190]
March 8, 2012 – A gay Black man was sexually and physically assaulted by two men in Corpus Christi, Texas. The victim was invited to an apartment, when Jimmy Garza and Ramiro Serrata Jr. physically attacked him over the course of three hours. The victim was also sodomized with a broom and threatened with a gun, until he was able to escape through an apartment window. Garza and Serrata Jr. were sentenced to fifteen years for their roles in the attack.[191][192]
March 24, 2012 – Several transgender and crossdressing people were shot at and robbed in Florida by a man, suspected to be De Los Santos. 23-year-old Tyrell Jackson was fatally wounded in the shooting, which also injured 20-year-old Michael Hunter.[193]
April 3, 2012 – Coko Williams, a black trans woman, was found murdered in East Detroit, Michigan. The homicide may have been related to Coko's involvement in sex work.[194]
April 16, 2012 – Paige Clay, 23, a black trans woman, was found dead, with a bullet wound to her face in West Garfield Park, Chicago. The death was ruled as a homicide.[195]
April 21, 2012 – Eric Unger, a 23-year-old gay man living in Illinois, was attacked by a group of men on the way home from a party, while they shouted anti-gay epithets at him. The investigation is ongoing.[196]
May 2012 – Max Pelofske, a 21-year-old gay man, was beaten by a group of youths at a party in Minnesota. Penske claims it was a hate crime, but police disagree.[197]
June 5, 2012 – Kardin Ulysse, a black 14-year-old boy, was attacked in the cafeteria of Roy Mann Junior High School in Brooklyn, New York, by another group of boys. He was called anti-gay slurs and sustained damage to the cornea of one of his eyes, leaving him blinded. Ulysse's parents planned on suing New York City for failing to supervise its students properly.[198]
June 23, 2012 – Mollie Olgin, 19 years old, and her girlfriend, Kristene Chapa, 18 years old, were found shot in the head near Violet Andrews Park in Portland, Texas. Olgin died at the scene and Chapa survived. Law enforcement has said there is no evidence to suggest that the incident is a hate crime.[199] The Human Rights Campaign and Equality Texas urged a thorough investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice, the FBI and Portland police to find the shooter.[200]
July 5, 2012 – Tracy Johnson, a 40-year-old black trans woman, was found dead from gunshot wounds in Baltimore, Maryland.[201]
August 14, 2012 – Tiffany Gooden, a 19-year-old black trans woman, was found murdered on the second floor of an abandoned building in Chicago. An autopsy verified that she had been stabbed to death. Notably, the body of Paige Clay, another young black trans woman, was discovered April 3 blocks away from where Tiffany was found. The pair were known as friends.[202]
August 18, 2012 – Kendall Hampton, a 26-year-old black trans woman, died of gunshot wounds. Eugene Carlos Dukes was arrested in early September for her murder, and indicted later that month.[203]
August 26, 2012 – Deja Jones, a 33-year-old black trans woman, was shot to death in Miami. No arrest had been made.[204]
September 3, 2012 – The body of Kyra Cordova, a 27-year-old trans woman, was found in a wooded area in Frankford, Philadelphia.[205]
October 15, 2012 – Janette Tovar, a 43-year-old trans woman was murdered by her partner, Jonathan Kenney, according to police, who beat her and slammed her head into the concrete. He was later arrested for her murder.[206]
November 10, 2021 – Austin Head, a progressive community activist and openly gay man, was assaulted by brothers Jermon Barnes and Ernie Barnes in Phoenix, Arizona. Head was knocked unconscious during the attack and was hospitalized due to the multiple injuries he sustained. Both Barnes brothers were charged and convicted for their role in the attack.[207]
March 1, 2013 – Sondra Scarber addressed a parent about her girlfriend's son being bullied at Seabourn Elementary School in Mesquite, Texas, and was beaten by him when he realized that she was a lesbian.[208]
May 17, 2013 – Mark Carson, a 32-year-old black gay man,[209] was shot to death by another man who trailed and taunted him and a friend as they walked down the street in Greenwich Village, Manhattan. When the two friends ignored the assailant's questions, the man began yelling anti-gay slurs and asked one of them, "You want to die tonight?" Elliot Morales, 33, was arrested briefly after the shooting and charged with murder and weapons charges on May 19.[210] According to police, Morales said he shot Carson because he was "acting tough".[211] Morales pleaded not guilty, but on March 9, 2016, he was convicted by a Manhattan jury of murder as a hate crime.[212] Morales was sentenced on June 14, 2016, to 40 years to life in prison.
May 22, 2013 – Gabriel Fernandez, an eight-year-old boy, was tortured and murdered by his mother and her boyfriend because they believed the child to be gay. Prosecutor Jon Hatami detailed the acts allegedly committed by Isauro Aguirre and the boy's mother, Pearl Fernandez, who also faces trial. Hatami explained that the Palmdale couple beat Gabriel, bit him, burned him with cigarettes, whipped him, shot him with a B.B. gun, starved him, fed him cat litter, and kept him gagged and bound in a cubby hold closet until he was found on May 22, 2013, dying of blunt force trauma to the head. He died two days later in the hospital. The couple called first responders to treat Gabriel, but that was only in an attempt to mislead, the prosecutor said.[213] In June 2018, Aguirre was sentenced to death and Fernandez was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.
June 2, 2013 – Matthew Fenner was beaten and choked for hours by church members. He says the attacks took place "to break [him] free of the homosexual demons they so viciously despise".[214]
November 4, 2013 – Sasha Fleischman, an 18-year-old, had their skirt set on fire while they were sleeping on an AC Transit bus in Oakland, California. Police arrested 16-year-old Richard Thomas and charged him with felony assault, with an enhancement of inflicting great bodily injury. Thomas admitted to police that he had started the fire and that he did it because he was "homophobic".[215] On November 14, 2014, Thomas was sentenced to seven years in juvenile detention for his crime.[216] The attack on Fleischman and their and recovery were the subject of an article in the New York Times Magazine, an article which later became the basis for a related non-fiction book titled The 57 Bus.[217]
December 31, 2013 – A fire was started in the stairway of a gay nightclub in Seattle, which was quickly extinguished. After suspect Musab Mohammaed Masmari had told a friend that "homosexuals should be exterminated", an informer from the Muslim community told the FBI Masamari may have also been planning terrorist attacks. The native of Benghazi, Libya, was arrested en route to Turkey. Masmari was sentenced to 10 years on federal arson charges.[218]
March 1, 2014 – Jipsta, a well-known and openly gay white rapper, was the victim of a bias attack in a New York City subway station as he and his partner were celebrating their 10-year anniversary.[219][220] The assailant hurled vicious homophobic slurs at the couple, and following a verbal disagreement, Jipsta was brutally beaten by the unidentified subject, resulting in multiple fractures to his face.[221] As a result of the incident, Jipsta required surgery due to seven broken bones sustained to his nose and eye socket, which forced him to cease promotion of his sophomore album Turnt Up.[222]
March 6, 2014 – Britney Cosby, 24, and Crystal Jackson, 24, were murdered by Britney's father, James 'Larry' Cosby. The victims were a lesbian couple survived by Crystal's five-year-old daughter. Britney was strangled and beaten to death. Crystal was also beaten and strangled, though a gunshot wound to her temple was the cause of death.[223]
June 1, 2014 – Ahmed Said, 27, and Dwone Anderson-Young, 23, were killed execution-style shortly after midnight in the Leschi neighborhood of Seattle shortly after they left a gay nightclub. Both victims were gay, and Ahmed was apparently lured by being contacting on Grindr, a social app popular with gay men. Anderson-Young was receiving a ride home from Ahmed Said. The case was soon investigated as a possible hate crime. Both Said and Anderson-Young were shot multiple times; Anderson-Young died inside Said's car, while Said died immediately outside.[224] Suspect Ali Muhammad Brown has confessed to killing Said, Anderson-Young, and two men in Seattle and New Jersey, both of whom were not gay. Brown had previously been convicted of bank fraud and is believed to be in support of Muslim terrorists in Somalia. He told investigators that he was guided strictly by his faith, and that the killings were "just" because they were in retaliation for actions by the U.S. government in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan.[225]
February 1, 2015 – Taja DeJesus, 36, a trans woman, was found stabbed to death in the Bayview neighborhood of San Francisco, California.[226]
April 13, 2015 – Ron Lane was shot dead by a former student of Wayne Community College, identified as Kenneth M. Stancil III, who he had supervised at the campus print shop. His mother made unconfirmed allegations that Lane, who was gay, made unwanted sexual advances towards Stancil. The shooting was investigated as a hate crime.[227]
May 5, 2015 – Jonathan Snipes, 25, and Ethan York-Adams, 25, were the victim of a homophobic attack in a New York City restaurant. When two male patrons in the restaurant directed homophobic slurs towards the couple, Snipes confronted the patrons. The patrons then physically escalated their argument, where Snipes was pushed to the ground and repeatedly kicked. York-Adams and Snipes were then hit with a char. Both suspects fled the restaurant, while the victims sustained multiple injuries.[228]
2015 – In 2016, for the first time the Justice Department used the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act to bring criminal charges against a person for selecting a victim because of their gender identity.[229][230] In that case Joshua Brandon Vallum pled guilty to murdering Mercedes Williamson in 2015 because she was transgender, in violation of the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act.[229][230]
February 15, 2016 – Anthony Gooden and Marquez Tolbert, experienced facial and bodily second and third-degree burns after Martin Luther Blackwell, 43, poured boiling water on them as they were sleeping. Gooden was comatose for two weeks, during his five week hospitalizati­on.[231]
April 29, 2016 – Steven Nelson 49, assaulted by Kelly Schneider, 23, in a secluded wildlife area near Lake Lowell, Idaho. Scheinder kicked Nelson 20-30 times with steel-toed boots, after which he was robbed of his clothes, his credit cards and his car keys and left to die in the cold. Nelson was able to get up and walk to a nearby home and call for help. He was taken to a local hospital but died later that morning. Schneider was sentenced to 28 years to life in prison.[232]
June 12, 2016 – A massacre at the Orlando gay nightclub Pulse left 49 dead and 53 wounded. The gunman, 29-year-old Omar Mateen, was an American citizen of Afghan descent who pledged allegiance to the terrorist organization ISIS in a 9-1-1 call he made about the attack.[233] ISIS also claimed responsibility for the attack.[234] The incident was the largest attack targeting LGBT people in the US.[235]
July 29, 2016 – Levi Frerichs, a gay man, was attacked by a group of six teenagers as he was walking home in Chicago, Illinois. The teenagers noticed Freirichs and began to throw blows to his head, while taunting him with homophobic slurs.[236][237]
September 7, 2016 – Michael Phillips was attacked after leaving his job at a gay bar. He and his husband say they have been targeted for their sexual orientation multiple times.[238]
March 5, 2017 – Two men were stabbed in Brooklyn, New York after they left a gay nightclub. James Thomas, 32, noticed the men waiting to patronize a nearby restaurant, and began to shout homophobic slurs. Thomas then slashed the first victim in the face, and stabbed the second victim in the torso and shoulder. A third man was threatened and pushed to the ground during the attack. [239][240]
May 20, 2017 – A lesbian woman, 24, was assaulted by Antoine Thomas on the New York City Subway. Thomas noticed that the woman boarded the train with her partner, and directed homophobic slurs towards them. Thomas then attacked the victim until she was unconscious. Due to the attack, the victim was subsequently hospitalized for a concussion, multiple deep cuts, and a broken eye socket.[241]
August 28, 2017 – A gay man was beaten by thugs after they shouted homophobic slurs at him. He suffered a broken jaw from the attack.[242]
September 2017 – Ally Steinfeld, a transgender teenager, was stabbed to death and mutilated by three young people in Cabool, Missouri.[243]
November 8, 2017 – A 17-year-old gay teenager was allegedly attacked by 18-year-old Trevon Godbolt. Godbolt reportedly made the victim strip off his clothes and possessions, then beat him and took his clothes. Another man and two women were involved, one of whom recorded the attack on a cell phone. The video was later posted on Facebook.[244]
January 2, 2018 – Blaze Bernstein, an openly gay Jewish college student, was stabbed more than 20 times. Samuel Woodward, an avowed neo-Nazi and member of the group Atomwaffen Division, was charged with his murder.[245]
March 7, 2018 – Ta'Ron 'Rio' Carson, a gay man, was fatally shot as he left the Aura nightclub in Kansas City, Missouri.[246]
March 28, 2018 – Amia Tyrae, a black transgender woman, was found dead in a motel room in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, with multiple gunshot wounds. Nevaa White, a friend of Tyrae's, said that Tyrae had lived her life as an openly trans woman since 2009. White also said Tyrae was bullied and "didn't have an easy life."[247]
June 2, 2018 - Four gay men were chased by a mob of approximately twenty men following a Pride event in Salt Lake City, Utah.[248]
June 17, 2018 – Darnell Morgan, a black gay man, was attacked by five men while visiting Las Vegas, Nevada for a relative's wedding.[249]
June 21, 2018 – Anthony Avalos, a ten-year old, succumbs to fatal abuse injuries in a hospital. When his mother Heather Barron and her boyfriend Kareem Leiva were subsequently arrested for Avalos' death, family relatives later revealed that Avalos expressed to his mother he, "liked boys and girls.".[250] Child welfare investigators discovered that Barron referred to Avalos with a homophobic slur, while Leiva stated he was "was uncomfortable being around gay people."[251]
November 28, 2018 – A 20-year-old woman was assaulted on the New York City Subway by Allah Allasheed, following a brief kiss shared with another women. Allasheed engaged the victim with homophobic slurs, and later struck her. The victim suffered a fractured spine as a result of the attack.[252][253]
November 29, 2018 – Vincent Shaver and Charles Clements were followed and assaulted by multiple men outside of their home. Both men were beaten and Shaver suffered a punctured lung during the attack, due to being stabbed with a piece of broken glass.[254]
January 29, 2019 – Spencer Deehring and Tristan Perry, a gay couple, were assaulted by multiple men when leaving a gay club in Austin, Texas. The men directed homophobic slurs towards the couple, then the suspects began to punch Perry repeatedly. When Deehring attempted to defend his partner, he became the target of physical assault. Both victims were knocked unconscious during the attack, and were later hospitalized.[255]
May 28, 2019 – Four people are charged with targeting gay men for kidnapping and robbery on Grindr in Dallas, Texas during 2017. The four men all eventually plead guilty to various charges in individual cases from 2019 - 2021.[256][257]
June 16, 2019 – Karl Craven and Braden Brecht, were assaulted and robbed by multiple men in Washington, D.C. Following some assailants directing homophobic slurs towards the couple, the group decided to attack Brecht. Craven suffered a bruise on his head, while Craven suffered multiple cuts, bruises, a chipped tooth, and a lip cut. Additionally, the assailants stole Craven's wallet and Brecht's phone.[258]
July 29, 2019 – A gay man in was attacked by three people in Racine, Wisconsin. The victim suffered multiple bruises throughout his body and a broken jaw. The severity of the broken jaw injury led to the removal of all the victim's teeth.[259]
December 16, 2019 – An arsonist burned the drop-in office of SisTers PGH, a transgender resource center led by black and transgender people, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.[260]
January 24, 2020 – Serena Daniari, a writer and transgender activist, was attacked while riding a subway train in New York City by Pablo Valles. Valles identified Daniari, then proceeded to spit, hit, and verbally denigrate the victim with slurs. [261]
May 27, 2020 – Tony McDade, a black transgender male, was shot and killed by Tallahassee Police.
June 1, 2020 – During the George Floyd protests, on May 30, an LGBT+ bar in Raleigh, North Carolina, was vandalized with a white supremacist symbol. Tim Lemuel, the owner of the Ruby Deluxe bar, returned to his business the following evening to deter vandals and to offer first aid to protesters who had been tear-gassed or pepper-sprayed. Just after midnight, the police ordered Lemuel off his business rental property, firing warning shots at him and his staff.[262][263]
June 20, 2020 – Holden White, an 18-year-old gay man, was assaulted by Chance Seneca. White was choked to the point of unconsciousness by Seneca with a cord. Then, Seneca mutilated White's throat with the tip of a knife, and cut White's wrists. White survived the attack, and criticized authorities for delaying to pursue hate crime charges.[264][265]
June 26, 2020 – Christian Council was assaulted by Amery Dickerson and Bennett Stone in Edmond, Oklahoma. When Council and his friend exited a car, Dickerson and Stone confronted them with a homophobic slur. Subsequently, both assailants began to assault Council until he was unconscious. Council suffered a gash below his eye and bruising throughout his head and body.[266]
July 20, 2020 – A transgender teenager was assaulted in a park by Travis Crawford in La Crosse, Wisconsin. While at the park with their partner, who is also transgender, the victim was approached by Crawford. The suspect directed homophobic slurs towards them, then proceeded to punch and kick the victim.[267]
August 6, 2020 – A man was arrested for verbally harassing and physically assaulting patrons of LGBTQ+ establishments in Madison, Wisconsin. A 34-year-old victim was left bleeding as a result of one of the attacks, while a 41-year-old victim was left with injuries to his arm.[268]
March 11, 2021 – A transgender woman was attacked by Johnny Moreno, 23, with a skateboard in Costa Mesa, California. Moreno repeatedly hit the victim with his skateboard, and utilized homophobic slurs throughout the attack. Subsequently, Moreno threatened a passerby who called the police for assistance. Following the attack, Moreno was charged with assault with hate crime enhancement.[269]
March 20, 2021 – A 32-year-old transgender woman was stabbed during an attempted sexual assault in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [270]
March 22, 2021 – A gunman fired into a home of an unidentified victim with the intent to kill in Basin, Montana. The indictment for John Russell Howard includes that he wanted to, "get rid of the lesbians [and] gays."[271][272]
May 21, 2021 – The body of Poe Black, a 21-year-old transgender man, is found in an unincorporated area of Niland, California.[273][274]
July 5, 2021 – A gay man was brutally attacked after being lured on a date through Grindr by Daniel Andrew McGee in Eugene, Oregon. The victim suffered from a partially missing scalp, and was hospitalized as a result of the attack. McGee was charged with a hate crime as a result of his attack.[275]
August 6, 2021 – An unidentified gay man is attacked by four members of the Makarenko family. The Makarenko family accused the man of "making" the youngest son gay; the suspects were not charged until 2022.[276][277]
September 2, 2021 – Two unidentified men were brutally assaulted in a Bushwick, Brooklyn bodega by Christopher Clemente and Johnathan Carter. Both victims were hospitalized for multiple stab wounds and collapsed lungs.[278]
October 24, 2021 – Charlotte Osieczanek, a transgender woman, was attacked by three men during her late night shift at a convenience store. Osieczanek suffered a broken nose, shoulder, and orbital bones as a result of the attack, in addition to bodily bruising and abrasions. The three men were eventually charged for their roles in the attack.[279]
November 2, 2021 – Jenny de Leon, a Latina transgender woman, was found murdered in Tampa, Florida. de Leon was a frequent attendee of local PFLAG meetings.[280]
February 17, 2022 – A 60-year-old gay man was tied up and assaulted with a wrench by Ethan Dickerson, his neighbor. Dickerson cited the victim's sexuality as the reason for the assault.[281]
March 19, 2022 – A 22-year-old man was attacked while riding a NYC subway train. The suspect repeatedly spat on the victim, then began to assault the victim when they tried to move.[282]
April 17, 2022 – James Garcia, a gay man, was attacked while walking his dog by Maurice Charles, 36 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. As a result of the attack, Garcia had to receive ten stitches.[283]
April 26, 2022 – An unidentified individual, throws a rock through the front door of the Pride Center VT office. It April remains unsolved and is being investigated as a hate crime.[284]
May 27, 2022 – Tristan Torres, 14, was attacked when he wore a pride flag during the last day of classes at Defiance Middle School in Defiance, Ohio. The assailant threw water at Torres, who was sitting with friends, then proceeded to choke and beat him. As a result of the attack, Torres suffered minor injuries.[285]
June 1, 2022 – An unidentified individual, 31, was stabbed on the New York City subway. The suspect started a verbal altercation with the victim, utilizing homophobic slurs. Subsequently, the suspect then stabbed the victim, before fleeing the station.[286]
July 3, 2022 – Noah Ruiz, a 20-year-old transgender man, was assaulted by multiple men while camping in Camden, Ohio. Ruiz was advised to use the women's restroom at a campground site, despite identifying as male. While in the bathroom, a woman angrily confronted Ruiz, and left the bathroom. When Ruiz later exited the bathroom, three men approached Ruiz and proceeded to assault him.[287]
United States
See also: History of violence against LGBT people in the United States
On June 24, 1973, thirty-two people died of fire or smoke inhalation as the result of an arson attack on the UpStairs Lounge, a gay bar in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Several men were assaulted on July 5, 1978, by a gang of youths armed with baseball bats and tree branches in an area of Central Park in New York City known to be frequented by homosexuals. The victims were assaulted at random, but the assailants later confessed that they had deliberately set out to the park to attack homosexuals. One of those injured was former figure skater Dick Button, who was assaulted while watching a fireworks display in the park.[209][210]
Harvey Milk, the openly gay San Francisco city supervisor, along with Mayor George Moscone, were assassinated on November 27, 1978, by political rival Dan White at San Francisco City Hall.[211] Outrage over the assassinations and the short sentence given to White (seven years) prompted the White Night Riots.[212]
In March 1979, an assault on several women in a San Francisco lesbian bar by off-duty police officers drew national attention to the strained relationship between police and LGBT San Franciscans at that time. One woman was hospitalized for ten days with skull injuries.[213]
Tennessee Williams was the victim of an assault in January 1979 in Key West, being beaten by five teenage boys. He escaped serious injury. The episode was part of a spate of anti-gay violence inspired by an anti-gay newspaper ad run by a local Baptist minister.[214]
Steven Charles, 17, of Newark was beaten to death in New York City on October 7, 1979, by Costabile "Gus" Farace, Robert DeLicio, David Spoto and Farace's cousin Mark Granato. They also beat Charles' friend, 16-year-old Thomas Moore of Brooklyn. Moore was critically injured but managed to get help at a nearby residence. It was Moore that identified the four men via a lineup four days after the incident. Farace, the leader of the attack, pled guilty to first-degree manslaughter, and was paroled after 8 years, in 1988, then murdered on November 17, 1989.[215]
On November 18, 1980, Ronald K. Crumpley, a former Transit Authority policeman, fired 40 rounds from a semiautomatic rifle and two Magnum pistols (all stolen from a Virginia gun shop) into a cluster of men standing in front of two gay bars—Ramroad and the next-door Sneakers—in West Greenwich Village, killing 21-year-old Jörg Wenz, from the Netherlands, the Ramrod's doorman, and 32-year-old Vernon Kroening, from Minnesota, a church organist, and wounding six others. Rene Malute, 23, later died of his wounds. A survivor described the shootings as "a massacre, a bloodbath." Crumpley admitted to having paranoid delusions that gays were agents of the devil, stalking him and "trying to steal my soul just by looking at me." He was found not responsible by reason of insanity and committed to maximum-security Kirby Forensic Psychiatric Center on Ward's Island. In 2001, a judge denied Crumpley's request to be transferred to a less restrictive psychiatric facility.
Charlie Howard was drowned in Bangor, Maine, in 1984.[216]
Rebecca Wight was killed on May 13, 1988, when she and her partner, Claudia Brenner, were shot by Stephen Roy Carr while hiking and camping along the Appalachian Trail. Carr later claimed that he became enraged by the couple's lesbianism when he saw them having sex.[217]
James Zappalorti (1945–1990), a gay Vietnam War veteran, was stabbed to death.[218]
Paul Broussard (1968–1991), a Houston-area banker, was murdered.
U.S. Navy Petty Officer Allen Schindler was murdered by a shipmate who stomped him to death in a public restroom in Japan on October 27, 1992.[219] Schindler had complained repeatedly about anti-gay harassment aboard ship.[219] The case became synonymous with the gays in the military debate that had been brewing in the United States culminating in the "Don't ask, don't tell" bill.[220]
Brandon Teena, a trans man, was raped and later murdered on December 31, 1993, when his birth gender was revealed by police to male friends of his.[221] The events leading to Teena's death were depicted in the movie Boys Don't Cry.[222]
Scott Amedure was murdered on March 9, 1995, after revealing his attraction to his friend Jonathan Schmitz on a The Jenny Jones Show episode about secret crushes. Schmitz purchased a shotgun to kill Amedure and did so after Amedure implied he still was attracted to him; Schmitz then turned himself in to police.[223][224]
Roxanne Ellis and Michelle Abdill, a lesbian couple in Medford, Oregon, were murdered on December 4, 1995, by a man who said he had "no compassion" for bisexual or homosexual people.[225] Robert Acremant was convicted and sentenced to death by lethal injection.[226]
On December 5, 1997, Ali Forney was found by the police shot on the sidewalk in front of a housing project on East 131st Street. According to the New York Times she was the third young transgender prostitute murdered in Harlem in 14 months. The killing has never been solved.[227]
The Otherside Lounge, a lesbian nightclub in Atlanta, was bombed by Eric Robert Rudolph, the "Olympic Park Bomber," on February 21, 1997; five bar patrons were injured. In a statement released after he was sentenced to five consecutive life terms for his several bombings, Rudolph called homosexuality an "aberrant lifestyle".
Matthew Shepard (1976–1998), a gay student, was fatally attacked in Laramie, Wyoming, on October 7, 1998. Shepard was tortured, beaten severely, tied to a fence, and abandoned; he was found 18 hours after the attack and succumbed to his injuries less than a week later, on October 12. His attackers, Russell Arthur Henderson and Aaron James McKinney, are both serving two consecutive life sentences in prison.[228]
Gary Matson and Winfield Mowder, a gay couple, were murdered on July 1, 1999, by white supremacist brothers Matthew and Tyler Williams in Redding, California. Tyler Williams was sentenced to a minimum of 33 years in prison, to be served after his completion of a 21-year sentence for firebombing synagogues and an abortion clinic.[229] Benjamin Williams claimed that by killing the couple he was "obeying the laws of the Creator".[230] He died by suicide in 2003 while awaiting trial. Their former pastor described the brothers as "zealous in their faith" but "far from kooks".[231]
U.S. Army Pfc. Barry Winchell was murdered on July 6, 1999, in Fort Campbell, Kentucky, by fellow soldier Calvin Glover. Winchell was beaten to death with a baseball bat after rumors spread on base of his relationship with transgender author Calpernia Addams. Glover was sentenced to life in prison.[232]
Steen Fenrich was murdered in September 1999, apparently by his stepfather, John D. Fenrich, in Queens, New York. His dismembered remains were found in March 2001, with the phrase "gay nigger number one" scrawled on his skull along with his social security number. His stepfather fled from police while being interviewed, then killed himself.[233]
Arthur "J.R." Warren was punched and kicked to death by two teenage boys on July 3, 2000, in Grant Town, West Virginia, who reportedly believed Warren had spread a rumor that he and one of the boys, David Allen Parker, had a sexual relationship. Warren's killers ran over his body to disguise the murder as a hit-and-run. Parker pleaded guilty and was sentenced to "life in prison with mercy", making him eligible for parole after 15 years.[234] His accomplice, Jared Wilson, was sentenced to 20 years.[235]
Ronald Gay entered a gay bar in Roanoke, Virginia, on September 22, 2000, and opened fire on the patrons, killing Danny Overstreet, 43 years old, and severely injuring six others. Ronald said he was angry over what his name now meant, and deeply upset that three of his sons had changed their surname. He claimed that he had been told by God to find and kill lesbians and gay men, describing himself as a "Christian Soldier working for my Lord"; Gay testified in court that "he wished he could have killed more fags," before several of the shooting victims as well as Danny Overstreet's family and friends.[236]
Nizah Morris, a trans woman, was the victim of a possible homicide in December 2002 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Gwen Araujo, a trans woman, was murdered on October 4, 2002, by at least three men who were charged with committing a hate crime. Two were convicted of murder, the third manslaughter; however, the jury rejected the hate crime enhancement.
Sakia Gunn, a 15-year-old lesbian, was murdered on May 11, 2003, in Newark, New Jersey. While waiting for a bus, Gunn and her friends were propositioned by two men. When the girls rejected their advances, declaring themselves to be lesbians, the men attacked them. One of the men, Richard McCullough, fatally stabbed Gunn. In exchange for his pleading guilty to several lesser crimes including aggravated manslaughter, prosecutors dropped murder charges against McCullough, who was sentenced to 20 years.[237][238]
Richie Phillips of Elizabethtown, Kentucky, was killed on June 17, 2003, by Joseph Cottrell. His body was later found in a suitcase in Rough River Lake. During his trial, two of Cottrell's relatives testified that he lured Phillips to his death, and killed him because he was gay.[239] Cottrell was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to 20 years in prison.[240]
Nireah Johnson and Brandie Coleman were shot to death on July 23, 2003, by Paul Moore when Moore learned after a sexual encounter that Johnson was transgender.[241] Moore then burned his victims' bodies. He was convicted of murder and sentenced to 120 years in prison.[242]
Scotty Joe Weaver was an 18-year-old murder victim from Bay Minette, Alabama, whose burned and partially decomposed body was discovered on July 22, 2004, a few miles from the mobile home in which he lived. He was beaten, strangled and stabbed numerous times, partially decapitated, and his body was doused in gasoline and set on fire.
Ronnie Antonio Paris, a three-year-old boy living in Tampa, Florida, died on January 28, 2005, due to brain injuries inflicted by his father, Ronnie Paris, Jr. According to his mother and other relatives, Ronnie Paris, Jr., repeatedly slammed his son into walls, slapped the child's head, and "boxed" him because he was concerned the child was gay and would grow up a sissy. Paris was sentenced to thirty years in prison.[243][244]
Jason Gage, an openly gay man, was murdered on March 11, 2005, in his Waterloo, Iowa apartment by an assailant, Joseph Lawrence, who claimed Gage had made sexual advance to him. Gage was bludgeoned to death with a bottle, and stabbed in the neck, probably post-mortem, with a shard of glass.[245] Lawrence was sentenced to fifty years in prison.
18-year-old Jacob D. Robida entered a bar on February 2, 2006, in New Bedford, Massachusetts, confirmed that it was a gay bar, and then attacked patrons with a hatchet and a handgun, wounding three.[246] He fatally shot himself three days later.[247]
Kevin Aviance, a female impressionist, musician, and fashion designer, was robbed and beaten in Manhattan on June 10, 2006, by a group of men who yelled anti-gay slurs at him. Four assailants pleaded guilty and received prison sentences.[248]
Six men were attacked with baseball bats and knives on July 30, 2006, after leaving the San Diego, California Gay Pride festival. One victim was injured so severely that he had to undergo extensive facial reconstructive surgery. Three men pleaded guilty in connection with the attacks and received prison sentences. A 15-year-old juvenile also pleaded guilty.[249][250]
An altercation occurred in Manhattan on August 18, 2006, between a man and seven black lesbians from Newark, New Jersey. During the altercation, the man was stabbed. The women claim that they acted in self-defense after he screamed homophobic epithets, spit on them, and pulled one of their weaves off,[251] while he has described the attack as "a hate crime against a straight man."[252]
Michael Sandy was attacked on October 8, 2006, by four young heterosexual men who lured him into meeting after chatting online, while they were looking for gay men to rob. He was struck by a car while trying to escape his attackers, and died five days later without regaining consciousness­.[253][254]
Andrew Anthos, a 72-year-old disabled gay man, was beaten with a lead pipe by a man who was shouting anti-gay names at him on February 27, 2007, in Detroit, Michigan. Anthos died 10 days later in the hospital.[255]
Sean William Kennedy, 20, was walking to his car from Brew's Bar in Greenville, South Carolina, on May 16, 2007, when Stephen Andrew Moller, 18, got out of another car and approached Kennedy. Investigators said that Moller made a comment about Kennedy's sexual orientation, and threw a fatal punch because he did not like the other man's sexual preference.[256]
Duanna Johnson, a transsexual woman, was beaten by a police officer in February 2008, while she was held in the Shelby County Criminal Justice Center in Tennessee. Johnson said the officers reportedly called her a "faggot" and "he-she", before and during the incident.[257] In November 2008, she was found dead in the street, reportedly gunned down by three unknown individuals.[258]
Lawrence "Larry" King, a 15-year-old junior high school student, was shot twice by a classmate at E.O. Green School in Oxnard, California, on February 12, 2008. He was taken off life support after doctors declared him brain dead on February 15.[259] According to Associated Press reports, "prosecutors have charged a 14-year-old classmate with premeditated murder with hate-crime and firearm-use enhancements"­.[260][261][262]
Angie Zapata, an 18-year-old trans woman, was beaten to death on July 17, 2008, in Colorado, two days after meeting Allen Ray Andrade. The case was prosecuted as a hate crime, and Andrade was found guilty of first degree murder on April 22, 2009.[263]
Nima Daivari, 26, was attacked by a man who called him "faggot" on September 13, 2008, in Denver, Colorado. The police that arrived on the scene refused to make a report of the attack.[264]
A Bourbonnais, Illinois elementary school bus driver was charged with leading a homophobic attack on a 10-year-old student passenger on September 15, 2008. The boy was taunted by the driver who then encouraged other students to chase and beat the child.[265]
Lateisha Green, a 22-year-old transgender woman, was shot and killed by Dwight DeLee on November 14, 2008, in Syracuse, New York, because he thought she was gay.[266] Local news media reported the incident with her legal name, Moses "Teish" Cannon.[267] DeLee was convicted of first-degree manslaughter as a hate crime on July 17, 2009, and received the maximum sentence of 25 years in state prison. This was only the second time in the nation's history that a person was prosecuted for a hate crime against a transgender person and the first hate crime conviction in New York state.[268][269][­270]
Carl Joseph Walker-Hoover, an 11-year-old child in Springfield, Massachusetts, hanged himself with an extension cord on April 6, 2009, after being bullied all school year by peers who said "he acted feminine" and was gay.[271]
Justin Goodwin, 36, of Salem, Massachusetts, was attacked and beaten on April 10, 2009, by as many as six people outside a bar in Gloucester, Massachusetts. Goodwin suffered a shattered jaw, broken eye socket, broken nose and broken cheekbone. Goodwin later died by suicide.[272]
Seaman August Provost was found shot to death and his body burned at his guard post on Camp Pendleton on June 30, 2009. LGBT community leaders "citing military sources initially said that Provost's death was a hate crime."[273] Provost had been harassed because of his sexual orientation.[273] Military leaders have since explained that "whatever the investigation concludes, the military's "Don't ask, don't tell" policy prevented Provost from seeking help."[273] Family and friends believe he was murdered because he was openly gay (or bisexual according to some family and sources);[274][­275][276][277] the killer died by suicide a week later after admitting the murder. The Navy has not concluded if this was a hate crime.[278]
CeCe McDonald, a young African American trans woman, was attacked outside a tavern shortly after midnight on June 5, 2011, in Minneapolis, Minnesota.[279] CeCe fatally stabbed her attacker with a pair of scissors.[280] She was subsequently convicted of manslaughter and jailed for 19 months in a men's prison.[281]
Mark Carson, a 32-year-old gay man, was shot to death by a man who trailed and taunted him and a friend as they walked down the street in Greenwich Village, New York, yelling anti-gay slurs and asking one of them, "You want to die tonight?" Elliot Morales was arrested shortly after the shooting and charged with murder and weapons charges on May 19, 2013.[282]
In March 2014, John Patrick Masterson, an openly gay rapper professionally known as Jipsta was attacked in a New York City subway station as he and his partner were celebrating their 10-year anniversary.[283][284] The assailant began calling the couple homophobic slurs, and following a verbal disagreement, Jipsta was beaten by the unidentified subject, resulting in multiple fractures to his face.[285] As a result of the incident, Jipsta required surgery due to seven broken bones sustained to his nose and eye socket, which forced him to cease promotion of his second album Turnt Up.[286]
49 people were killed, and 53 injured, in a shooting at an Orlando gay nightclub on June 12, 2016.[287]


| Předmět: RE: RE: RE:
19.07.22 04:30:25 | #76916 (3)

Ty vole! Jak se ti to povedlo prezit?>! *6478*


| Předmět: RE: RE: RE: RE:
19.07.22 04:32:06 | #76918 (4)

Jen doufam ze sem nekdo neda podobnej seznam zavrazdenich heterosexualu­...protoze to bi skolaboval server *27179*


| Předmět: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE:
19.07.22 20:15:56 | #76993 (5)

Jako obvykle blbe placas. Az takovy seznam najdes, tak nam ho tu ukaz. Jestli takovy seznam existuje, tak je urcite podstatne kratsi.

BTW … nauc se spravne pouzivat i/y. Na “zavrazdenich” potrebujes vzdy tvrdy. *2* *2*
*18394* *24664*


| Předmět: RE: RE: RE:
19.07.22 07:10:24 | #76933 (3)

Bože ty seš trapnej.


| Předmět: RE: RE: RE: RE:
19.07.22 20:18:14 | #76994 (4)

Cim jsem trapny nizkoskolacku? Je to proto, ze ani nepoznas, ze jsem ze slusnosti odpovedel/reagoval na tvoji ignorantni vyzvu “A můžeš mi dát nějaký příklad těch "zabíjenejch teploušů"? Jestli ne, tak zas zalez tam odkuď jsi vylez.” ? Nebo je to opet proto, ze jsi byl odhaleny jako ignorant? *2* *2*

Zapis si do pamatnicku, ze kdyz se nan eco zeptas tak muzes dostat odpoved. Kdyz se zeptas mne, tak vzdy dostanes pravdu. Tak se ptej, treba jednou z tebe bude slusny clovek. Zatim je jen trapne to, ze si tu hrajes na inteligenta, vis ale lejno a pletes hlavu ostatnim ignoranty kteri nemaji na to aby poznali, ze placas nesmysly. *18394* *24664*


| Předmět: RE: RE: RE:
19.07.22 08:46:02 | #76936 (3)

Myslis ze budeme brecet kvuli nejakym teplousum? *3074*


| Předmět: RE:
19.07.22 08:20:37 | #76934 (1)

Nikdo nedokaze napsat vic sracek nez ty Srandomate. *3074*


| Předmět: RE: RE:
19.07.22 20:26:27 | #76995 (2)

A ctes ty nekdy po sobe co pises? Jakou modrost jsi nam tu predlozil? Ze umis nenavidet tak jak ti nekdo natloukl do hlavy a nadavat? Asi jsi jeste nepostrehl, ze TO dokaze kazdy trouba … Einsteine *2* *2* *2*

Nezapomen se divat ve ctvrtek v "prime time" na 1/6 hearing ... treba dokazana pravda ti pomuze videt veci jako ostatni normalni lide. Trump ti jen rekl, ze volby byly ukradene ale ani jeden dukaz nemel a nema. Tomu slusni lide rikaji LEZ *18394* *24664* ("Z" ma hacek)


| Předmět:
18.07.22 21:43:04 | #76878

Saudove poslali Bidena do prdele s jeho skemranim o ropu !!!
Co mu rekli je klasika !

Joe, nechod k nam pro ropu, zajdi do Texasu, Oklahomy, Kalifornie, Jizni Dakoty, Pennsylvanie .......tam mas plno ropy a nemusis skemrat u nas ! *30039*

| Předmět: RE:
18.07.22 21:49:04 | #76879 (1)

......a nemus litat 12,000 Km skemrat o ropu, kdyz ji mas dostatek u vas doma ! *30039*

Zelena energie nefunguje, to se uz potvrdilo !
Uhli, ropa a plyn je stale budoucnost a vetrniky ! *30374*


| Předmět: RE: RE:
18.07.22 21:49:53 | #76880 (2)

a NE vetrniky !


| Předmět: RE: RE: RE:
18.07.22 23:58:33 | #76896 (3)

vetrnou energii a solary chapes spatne. Je to budoucnost a nic s tim neudelas...ovsem bez ropy to nepujde *727*


| Předmět: RE: RE:
18.07.22 23:40:59 | #76888 (2)

Zapadni Evropa je rukojmím objímačů stromů a klimatických alarmistů.


| Předmět:
18.07.22 20:05:05 | #76867

Benzin jde dolu pod natlakem Republikanu

| Předmět: RE:
18.07.22 20:56:16 | #76873 (1)

Nic takovyho tam nepisou. Ja myslim ze to je spis neviditelnou rukou volného trhu.


| Předmět: RE: RE:
18.07.22 21:18:06 | #76875 (2)

Tam nepisou, ale kdyz ctes o tom, jak Republikani tlaci na Bidena a na Demokraty, je jasne videt ze si Demosi uz moc vic dovolit nemuzou !


| Předmět: RE:
19.07.22 04:30:30 | #76917 (1)

Takze tlacili i u nas, kdyz tady sla taky cena dolu? Prestan placat kraviny.


| Předmět:
18.07.22 19:24:45 | #76866

Good guy with a gun !

Šéf policie v Greenwoodu ve státe Indiana Jim Ison oznacil dvaadvacetiletého mladíka, který zastrelil útocníka v obchodním centru, za "hrdinu dne".
Agentura Reuters citovala Isona, který rekl: "Skutecným hrdinou dne je obcan, který mel u sebe legálne strelnou zbran a dokázal strelce zastavit témer hned, jak zacal strílet."
Útocník stihl zabít tri lidi, než zasáhl 22letý ozbrojený obcan, který útocníka zastrelil.

| Předmět: RE:
18.07.22 20:28:29 | #76869 (1)

Dnes rano byla v rozhlase zprava, lupic prisel do male banky a oznamil, ze Tohle je loupez, nikdo se nehybejte....­....... tak ho zamestnanec banky zastrelil *30039*
Good Job !


| Předmět: RE:
18.07.22 20:38:12 | #76870 (1)

V liberalni Evrope by museli cekat na prijezd policie a mezitim by zemrelo mnohem vic lidi nez 3 .

Ano, vyzbrojena verejnost pomaha zastavit zloicince ! *30374*


| Předmět: RE: RE:
18.07.22 21:37:22 | #76877 (2)

Milý Vašku, na lidi musí být přísnost, to už pravil i J. Švejk... *27179*


| Předmět:
18.07.22 18:58:44 | #76865

Otazka pro administratora: Takze kdyz je clen zdejsi spolecnosti po smrti, tak muze byt identifikovan?

| Předmět: RE:
18.07.22 20:59:47 | #76874 (1)

Ja si myslim ze tohle by se melo nejak kodifikovat, vzhledem k tomu kolik nas tu je, co uz tam jsme jednou nohou.


| Předmět: RE: RE:
18.07.22 21:57:06 | #76881 (2)

Souhlasím s Tebou. Ustav tedy hlavní téze kodexu. e


| Předmět: RE: RE: RE:
18.07.22 23:25:41 | #76883 (3)

Paragraf 2 pod "Tezkymi prohresky" (zakaz sdílení osobních informací jiného uživatele (skutečné jméno, fyzická adresa, telefon apod.) se nevztahuje na zesnule diskutery.


| Předmět: RE: RE: RE: RE:
18.07.22 23:35:59 | #76887 (4)

Logické myšlení ti chybí? Veřejné parte má jaký význam? Že patříš mezi lidi, který radši snad ani pohřeb mít nebudou, aby nikdo neznal jejich jméno, to je tvůj osobní problém

A nikde tam není nic psané o zesnulých diskutérech, tvá domněnka není fakt. Proč i teď máš touhu tohle řešit, když ty sám jsi to úmyslně porušil...


| Předmět: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE:
18.07.22 23:47:17 | #76892 (5)

Ty mi nerozumis, ja s tim, zes Pointovu smrt timto zpusobem uverejnil, plne souhlasim. Kdyz jsem ja uverejnil Centoriovo skutečné jméno, ucinil jsem to s tim samym umyslem. Protoze uz mezi nami neni.


| Předmět: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE:
18.07.22 23:50:37 | #76893 (6)

Jenže Centorio je na živu, nejdříve tu vystupoval jako svůj brácha a pak sám ze sebe, kde psal, že si myslel, že umře a tak se prohlásil (tedy jeho žena) za mrtvého. Když to budeš hledat, někde to tady najdeš.


| Předmět: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE:
19.07.22 00:00:22 | #76898 (7)

tak zije Centak nebo ne?


| Předmět: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE:
19.07.22 00:03:52 | #76900 (8)

Pokud se nic nezměnilo, měl by žít, ale už tu taky nějakou dobu nebyl. Škoda, že se tu nedá hledat a Google asi taky nemá moc povoleno tenhle server indexovat, takže ani on nic nenajde, jen pár věcí.
