Tohle jsi tu pred par lety (po volbach 2020) napsal … Einsteine.
YukonJack #22896
Srandistovi: Ovsem ze volby byly ukradene. Ty to
nevidis? Musis byt slepy a hluchy, jinak to neni mozne. Svuj posledni sestak
bych na to vsadil, pro me existuje dostatek dukazu.
Mas ten “dostatek dukazu” jeste schovany a muzes nam to tu ukazat? Jestli
mas a muzes mi dokazat, ze volby byly Trumpovi ukradene, tak se radne omluvim a
pridam se k vam … k MAGAum. Jestli ale mas hovno, tak nemuzes
byt nic jineho nez Trumpa " useful idiot "? 
January 6th commision podala svedectvi vedoucich Republikanu kteri davali za
pravdu volebnimu systemu, ze Trump prohral volby. Dokonce jsou svedkove kterym
Trump soukrome rekl, ze volby prohral a na verejnosti vas stval aby jste mu sli
volby ukrast.
Par tisic "useful idiotu" slo na jeho vyzvu na Capitol a jeden po druhem jsou
ted odsouzovani k trestu ve vezeni.
Trump privately admitted he lost 2020 election, top aides
“During the ninth and possibly final hearing, the committee investigating
the January 6 insurrection shared new testimony from Alyssa Farah, a former
White House aide, who said that a week after the election was called in favor of
Biden, Trump was watching Biden on the television in the Oval Office, and said:
‘Can you believe I lost to this effing guy?’ ”
“An another new clip of testimony from Cassidy Hutchinson, a top aide to
former Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows, she shared that Trump told Meadows:
‘I don’t want people to know we lost, Mark. This is embarrassing.
Figure it out.’ ”