Hel co je ve zpravach dnes rano!
** George Santos – live updates: New York congressman is arrested on
federal criminal charges**
To musi byt doba padajicich hvezd … alespon tech pravicackych MAGAturds.
Vcera Chief MAGAturd a dnes jeho priblbly “useful idiot”, lhar, podvodnik a
zradce Kongresman George Santos. Mistni MAGAturds, prosim vysvetle nam normalnim
lidem … je to konspirace zlych Demokratu takhle odhalovat kulturu GOP,
pravicacke strany lharu, podvodniku a zradcu a nebo lzete a podvadite
Jsem zvedavy s jakou nestydatou vymluvou vasi MAGAturds bratri vyrazi. Budou
zase obvinovat ze Demokrate jim omezuji svobodu byt lhari, podvodnici a zradci.
Santos je takovy a Mozna nevyrazi, pro ne je to jako OK, pro pobozne, prolhane
pravicaky to je prekvapeni … takovy spravny MAGAturd!
McCarthy sere bobky protoze Georgie pujde do basy. S timhle vsim bude sranda
pri volbach … republikansti kandidati budou voleni z vezeni
Prerfektni pravicacky kandidat do
** George Santos proposed to teen boyfriend while still married to a woman:
“Good evening everyone! As you all may already know Pedro and I have
decided to join our toothbrushes! Lol and a very few friends have been selected
to share this special moment with us!,” Santos wrote in a 2014 Facebook invite
shared with the Daily Beast by Santos’ old roommate, Greg Morey-Parker.