Pro tebe je lehke verit v Boha kdyz veris v Dear Leader.
Me nejde verit v Bibli ktera byla sepsana nejakych 90 let po Jezisove smrti
starcema kteri si nepamatovali co meli k snidani. Ja verim, ze Jezis existoval,
ale neverim, ze chodil po vode a jeho tat'ka bydlel na mraku.
OK, mozna jednou kdyz jsem myl pod vlivem LSD
Nevim o jakem mikrokurzu pises, ja jsem zadny nebral ... jen jsem jen cetl
uvazoval a uvazoval. Jezis byl vzdy popsany jako dobrosrdecny clovek ktery se
staral o lidi. Demokrate, verici nebo ne, to citi podobne. Republikani ... not
so much.
"Jesus was not a socialist" ... asi jsi nepochopil o co v
tom clanku jde.
"... His book attempts to show that Jesus was not a
socialist and would not have approved of socialism, because socialists, much
like the Bible, are also highly suspicious of wealth accumulation."
"Jesus was obviously not a socialist, because he lived in
first-century Palestine under Roman occupation, about 1600 years before the
first stirrings of capitalism and 1800 years before the European industrial
revolution gave rise to socialism. This is not mere pedantry: socialism is a
very historically specific response to social conditions that did not exist in
Europe prior to the development of mass production."
Klickujes bro.
Jeste jsi nic nenapsal o me EX. ![*7487*](//