Tak ja to nehledal a je mozne, ze to v NYT nebylo.
Protoze neni "insurekce jako inzurekce* ... ano jedno je se "s" a druhe se
Ty si zazse pletes insurrection s demonstraci. Aby bylo jasno, ja s nema
Tak kolik jich melo zbrane? Kolik rozbili oken, musela bezpecnost poschovavat
politiky, Kolik se jich tam vysralo na podlahy? Koho zmlatili? Ktery z politiku
jim pomahal?
“A group of radical extremists [kolik? z obrazku to
nevypada jako moc] invaded the [balkon] State Assembly, interrupting the first
day of the legislative session and forcing lawmakers to flee the chamber. They
continued to occupy the legislature even after the lights were turned off.
But eventually, they were allowed to leave peacefully, and there were no arrests at all.”
” The left-wing anti-Israel radicals who invaded the California
capitol will never be punished.’ [Oni protestovali a sli pokojne
domu] (mas nejaky zaznam jejich řadeni? )
"**--- protoze se tady nic nestalo, tak zbytek clanku je jen povidani o
jinych demonstracich ---
** .{color: red}"
”and a still-unknown number of provocateurs {bylo jich 10, 10, 100
??? ukaz nam obrazek, my si je spocitame]— invaded the U.S. Capitol, Democrats
had repeatedly used the tactic of staging protests inside legislative buildings,
both at the state and federal level, and praised themselves for their
Ale ted ti mozna doslo proc tp nevytiskli v solidnim NYT. Ty by jsi to otiskl
kdyz se tam nic nestalo? Nezda se ti to trapny? Jestli ne, tak napis proc NE