Evangelicals Are Now Rejecting 'Liberal' Teachings of Jesus
Russell Moore, former top official for the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) who
is now the editor-in-chief of Christianity Today, said during an interview aired
on NPR's All Things Considered this week that Christianity is in a "crisis" due
to the current state of right-wing politics.
Moore has found himself at odds with other evangelical leaders due to his frequent criticism of former President Donald Trump. He resigned his position with the SBC in 2021 following friction over his views on Trump and a sex abuse crisis among Southern Baptist clergy.
"Multiple pastors tell me, essentially, the same story about quoting the Sermon on the Mount, parenthetically, in their preaching—'turn the other cheek'—[and] to have someone come up after to say, 'Where did you get those liberal talking points?'" Moore said.
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