Update pro ty co si tu tolik stezovali na kradeze v obchodech.
Retail Group Retracts Startling Claim About ‘Organized’
Eventually, Walgreens retreated from its claims. In January, an executive at the company said that Walgreens might have overstated the effects on its business, saying: “Maybe we cried too much last year.”
Mr. Karakatsanis said the exaggerated narrative of widespread shoplifting was weaponized by the retail industry as it lobbied Congress to pass bills that would regulate online retailers, which they claim is where much of the stolen product ends up.
“It would be a bit like the census claiming that nearly half of the U.S. population lives in the state of Rhode Island,” Mr. Wagener said.
Mimochodem, pred skoro mesicem jsem mluvil na party s pani ktera zije v San Francisku a navstevovala tady sestru. Ptal jsem se ji jak se tam citi ohledne bezpecnosti. Rekla mi, ze co se rika, je jen v nekterych mistech a je to ohavny, ale ona to nevidi. Mozna je to tim, ze asi zije v lepsim sousedstvi (vypadala na to) ale je vzdelana a sleduje co se kde deje a tak mi snad nevypravi bludy. Neznali jsem se (sestra sousedky) a tak by z toho nic nemela. Jen pridam, ze jsem byl ve Washington, D.C., projizdel jsem mestem umyslne kolem parku kde by mohli bezdomovci byt, ale nevidel jsem ani jednoho. Mozna je to tim, ze se ochladilo? Ale kde pak jsou ti bezdomovci kdyz ani v San Francisku nejsou?
Just saying ...