Rozcestník >> Společnost a komunity >> Amerika, američané, americké zvyky


Název: Amerika, američané, americké zvyky
Kategorie: Společnost a komunity
Založil: -
Správci: freekarol
Založeno: 21.11.2020 19:40
Typ: Dočasné
Stav: Veřejné
Zobrazeno: 7857083x

Předmět diskuze: Amerika, američané, americké zvyky - *VULGÁRNÍ NADÁVKY & VULGÁRNÍ URÁŽKY směřující na zdejší diskutéry, nejsou povolené. *KDO MÁ BAN: *PRAVIDLA KONSTRUKTIVNÍ DISKUSE:
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Zobrazení reakcí na příspěvek #170460

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| Předmět: RE: RE: MAGA
10.10.24 22:54:20 | #170460
Reakce na příspěvek #170457

"Is it true FEMA is offering the hurricane victims only $750?"

freekarol: Kterou odpoved povazujes za uzitecnejsi?

Microsoft Copilot:

There has been some misinformation about FEMA’s relief efforts. While FEMA does provide an initial payment to help with essential items like food, water, and emergency supplies, this is just a part of the overall assistance package1.

FEMA has already distributed over $45 million to Hurricane Helene survivors1, and the total federal assistance has surpassed $137 million2. The aid includes support for temporary housing, personal property repairs, medical expenses, and more12.

If you or someone you know has been affected, it’s important to apply for assistance through DisasterAssis­ or by calling the FEMA Helpline at 1-800-621-3362


The claim that FEMA is only offering $750 to hurricane victims is misleading. FEMA provides this amount as part of its Serious Needs Assistance program, which is intended to cover immediate emergency expenses like food, water, baby supplies, and transportation after a disaster. This $750 is a one-time payment meant to address urgent needs while the agency processes applications for additional, longer-term assistance.

FEMA has clarified that this payment is not the total aid available to victims. Additional assistance can be provided for housing repairs, personal property replacement, and other disaster-related costs. The $750 payment is not a loan and does not need to be repaid, unless someone receives duplicate benefits from insurance or other sources.

There has been considerable misinformation online, including false claims that FEMA will seize property if people do not repay the aid, which FEMA has explicitly denied..


| Předmět: RE: RE: RE: MAGA
10.10.24 23:39:47 | #170466 (1)

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