Ze prej vam bude chybet Svobodna Evropa a Hlas Ameriky. Posloucha to u vas jeste nekdo?
Ze prej vam bude chybet Svobodna Evropa a Hlas Ameriky. Posloucha to u vas jeste nekdo?
Nový ministr zahraničí Marco Rubio prohlásil jihoafrického velvyslance ve Washingtonu za personu nongrata.
Trump ořezává diplomatické vztahy s jihoafrickými rasisty.
Trumpuv rozpocet byl Kongresem schvalen, Demokrati zuri, protoze to pomuze
Trumpovi, Muskovi a cele MAGA strane !
Až na to, že krev nehdejsich satelitů byla po rozpadu sovetskeho imperia nahrazena přírodními zdroji.
"If you are an 80 years old American, you lived through approximately 1/3 of our nation´s entire history "
Mpohodar Uživatel je offline | Předmět: RE:před 14 hodinami | #188265 (1)
srandomate... nepište barevným písmem...to se nedá v noci na mobilu číst...!!!
Jestli te to zajima, tak bych ti mohl jen doporucit aby jsi si nastavil mobil
na citelno i v noci
Kdyz chatujme.cz nabizi tuto uzitecnou moznost zduraznovat a nebo jen zpestrit
text v barvach, tak ty snad nemas pravo ani moc
to zakazovat.
beammeup Uživatel je online | Předmět: RE: RE:před 18 hodinami | #188260 (2)
srandonat: A diky za tu perfekni ukázku toho, jak prolhany jsou demokrati v kongresu.
Pises jak Trump. Obvinujes, ale zadne dukazy nepredkladas. Jako s tema ukradenyma volbama … kecate, placate, ale dukaz ANI JEDEN. Verit se vam neda, protoze nepijeme tu vasi Kool-Aid. Tak doufam, ze to objasnis a poukazes na demokraticke lzi.
Take jsi mi jeste neodepsal jestli jste uz chytli ten “DEEP STATE” o kterem tu tolik povidas. Nebo ti uz doslo, ze ti Trump leta lhal a ty jsi to jen opakoval?
beammeup Uživatel je online | Předmět: RE:před 18 hodinami | #188259 (1)
The only thing that's being changed by Trump is the beneficiaries' ability to make change to the direct deposit information by phone or on-line, which is the biggest source of fraud in the social security system. These request will now be handled exclusively by local service centers.In fiscal year 2022, the SSA reported approximately $8 billion in improper payments across its programs, which includes both fraudulent claims and administrative errors. Fraudulent activities may involve identity theft, false claims, or misrepresentation of eligibility.
These are not numbers provided by Trumps DOGE team, these are numbers that put out by the Biden administration. So do some research, before you make an arse out of yourself. Again.
Just sayin’.
"Kde jsi se dozvedel, jak pises, ze deposit information by phone or on-line which is the biggest source of fraud in the social security system? Ja to nikde nenasel."
That's because you're as dumb as a doornail.
The biggest source of fraud in Social Security typically involves identity theft and false claims. Common types include:
Identity Theft: Criminals steal Social Security numbers
(SSNs) to fraudulently claim benefits. This often targets retirees, disabled
individuals, or deceased persons.
False Claims: People may submit incorrect information about
their income, medical condition, or dependents to qualify for benefits they
aren’t entitled to.
Misuse of Benefits: Representative payees (those managing
benefits for others) may misuse funds rather than applying them for the intended
recipient’s needs.
Scams and Impersonation: Fraudsters posing as SSA officials
trick people into giving away personal information or making payments.
Source: Wikipedia
Identity theft is number one method of stealing
money from the Social Security Trust Fund! And you can't steal someone's
identity by showing up at your local Social Security Service