Rozcestník >> Společnost a komunity >> Amerika, američané, americké zvyky


Název: Amerika, američané, americké zvyky
Kategorie: Společnost a komunity
Založil: -
Správci: freekarol
Založeno: 21.11.2020 19:40
Typ: Dočasné
Stav: Veřejné
Zobrazeno: 5499685x

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Zobrazení reakcí na příspěvek #31819

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| Předmět: Trouba mekta a nevi jak reagovat na…
10.07.21 05:26:10 | #31819

Ty vsem pises a me ne .... je mi to lito. Nebo opet nevis o co jde? *2* *2* *2*

srandomat Uživatel je online | Předmět: RE: RE: RE: RE: trumpak09.07.21 01:33:26 | #31680 (4)
Hej troubo!
Zjistil jsi si proc pali ty kostely? Neonacistickym rasistum jako jsi ty to treba nevadi, ale normalnim lidem to jedno neni. *33684*

As Canada grapples with the discovery of more than 1,000 unmarked graves of Indigenous children at the sites of former residential schools, many have directed their grief and anger at the Catholic church, which ran more than half of the schools across the country.

Co by jsi ty delal, srabe, kdyby to byli tvi lide ... pribuzni? Neni rozumne jen rosirovat nenavist. Tohle je otresna zprava a pravicxaci se pokousi z toho vydojit co se da ... hnus!

From the 19th century until the 1990s, more than 150,000 Indigenous children were obliged to attend state-funded schools in a campaign to forcibly assimilate them into Canadian society. More than half were run by the Catholic church; thousands of children died of disease, neglect and other causes.

“Those innocent souls were sacrificed for colonialism,” said Amelia McComber, an Indigenous practitioner and theologian. “And that sacrifice has become the focal point of the hurt and the trauma that has gone on for generations in our communities.”

| Předmět: RE: Trouba mekta a nevi jak reagovat na…
10.07.21 06:41:43 | #31821 (1)

Ses usilovnej, to musím uznat.



| Předmět: RE: Trouba mekta a nevi jak reagovat na…
10.07.21 07:15:53 | #31823 (1)

So you think the burned out churches are going to make those who are hurt feel better? I think they are only going to bring more hate. Not to mention the fact that most of those churches were on reservations and served primarily the aboriginal communities themselves. But obviously in your people's minds some hate is to be justified and condoned, and some is not. I personally think those hoodlums did it just for kicks, because they knew that babyface PM wasn't going to do anything about it. But you did your homework. Thanks for playing.



| Předmět: RE: RE: Trouba mekta a nevi jak…
10.07.21 16:57:57 | #31839 (2)

Ja na kosteli celkem kaslu - neverim na imaginarniho kamarada v oblacich.

Churches "served" ?!?! jako myslis, ze jejich funkce byla pohrbivat male deti?

Troubine - ty jsi si mel udelat homework nez jsi s timhle zacal. Ty ale jen opakujes co ti Breitbart nasere do hlavy *2* *2* *2* *18394*


| Předmět: RE: RE: RE: Trouba mekta a nevi jak…
10.07.21 22:10:44 | #31871 (3)

"neverim na imaginarniho kamarada v oblacich."

To je mi zcela jasny.



| Předmět: RE: RE: RE: RE: Trouba mekta a nevi jak…
10.07.21 22:14:55 | #31872 (4)

hele kdy jsi naposledy se byl projit v opravdickym lese, nemyslim nakej park se stromama ve meste????
