Co mela ta prostitutka spolecnyho s "law and order", mimo toho ze jako Trumpa chtela vydirat a ze se v tom nechala Demokraty politicky vyuzit?
Co mela ta prostitutka spolecnyho s "law and order", mimo toho ze jako Trumpa chtela vydirat a ze se v tom nechala Demokraty politicky vyuzit?
BOZE ! Uz zase? Ty jsi prisel s tim "porn lawyer" a prostitutkou. Ja s tebou jen souhlasil, ze je dobre, ze je v base.
KECAS, nikoho nevydirala. Dear Leaader ji dal ty penize za to, ze podepise nondisclosure agreement (dohodu o nezverejnovani). Ale jelikoz je blbec a nechtel mit jeho jmeno na dohode protoze to by ho prikovalo k tomu pripadu, tak jen Michel Cohen to podepsal. Bez DL podpisu je NDA neplatna. Soudila ho, vyhrala a dostala navic od Dear Leader vydaje za soud.
To bylo Demokratum servirovane na stribrne mise. Kdo by to nevzal? Republikani si musi takove veci vymyslet a lhat
Daniels filed three lawsuits against Trump and/or Cohen. In the first
lawsuit she argued that the NDA was invalid. She won the lawsuit though it was
dismissed, after Trump and Cohen agreed not to enforce the NDA. A California
court subsequently ordered Trump pay $44,100 to reimburse her legal
Takze nic od Trumpa nedostala. Po tom co porusila ten NDA tim ze ho zverejnila. Jeji lawsuit byla dismissed. Ty lhari.
Ty jsi ale idiot! NEUVERITELNY!
Neumis cist a nebo myslet? Jak jsi k tomu prisel, ze nic nedostala? Blbec DL ji zaplatil $130K a ona sek "cashed in" ... prachy jsou jeji. Mimo to, on s ni udelal nondisclosure agreement, ze nikomu nic nerekne (nevim za kolik, ale obycejne to jde do milionu aby to toho, kdo to podepise, poradne vystrasilo). Smlouva byla neplatna (protoze ji DL nepodepsal) a soud s ni souhlasil. Tak ma tech $130K. Jelikoz mela vydaje se soudem kdyz soudila DL o tu neplatnou smlouvu, tak DL ji musel zaplatit i $44,100 za vydaje. Tedy, podle mych poctu, dostala od Dear Leqader $130K + $44,100 = $174,100. Neni to moc, ale neni to NIC jak ty troubo tu lzes.
Magore, preloz si "She won the lawsuit though it was dismissed, after Trump and Cohen agreed not to enforce the NDA.
Ted muze vysypat "ghost" writer (nejakemu spisovateli) jak to vsechno bylo a muze vydelat miliony. Kdyz z toho bude film, tak jeste vic. NOT BAD Jestli tomu nerozumis, blbe, tak se zeptej nekoho jinyho. Nad tebou lamu hul
Daniels filed three lawsuits against Trump and/or Cohen. In the first lawsuit
she argued that the NDA was invalid. She won the lawsuit though it was
dismissed, after Trump and Cohen agreed not to enforce the NDA.[6] A
California court subsequently ordered Trump pay $44,100 to reimburse her
legal fees.[7] She lost the second lawsuit, in which she argued she was
defamed, and was ordered to pay almost $300,000 in legal fees and court
sanctions.[8] In the third lawsuit she claimed that Cohen colluded with her
previous attorney Keith Davidson against her interests when he negotiated the
payment. The lawsuit did not name Trump as a defendant, and settled in May