Rozcestník >> Společnost a komunity >> Amerika, američané, americké zvyky


Název: Amerika, američané, americké zvyky
Kategorie: Společnost a komunity
Založil: -
Správci: freekarol
Založeno: 21.11.2020 19:40
Typ: Dočasné
Stav: Veřejné
Zobrazeno: 5614494x

Předmět diskuze: Amerika, američané, americké zvyky - *VULGÁRNÍ NADÁVKY & VULGÁRNÍ URÁŽKY směřující na zdejší diskutéry, nejsou povolené. *KDO MÁ BAN: *SEZNAM VULGÁRNÍCH NADÁVEK: *FAQ:
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Zobrazení reakcí na příspěvek #36461

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| Předmět:
19.08.21 23:30:46 | #36461

In 1975, President Ford was left to manage the difficult ending of the Vietnam War. President Ford went to Congress for a relief package to allow American personnel and our allies to evacuate. However, there was ONE US SENATOR who opposed any such support. The result was the embarrassing and hurried evacuation from the roof of the American embassy in Saigon
This senator reveled in the embarrassment and did everything he could to leverage it politically against Ford. Despite the efforts of this U.S. Senator--President Ford managed to rescue 1,500 South Vietnamese allies prior to the country's fall. Had President Ford not acted quickly, these people would have been targeted and slaughtered for their support for America . When they arrived in America , President Ford asked Congress for a package to assist these refugees to integrate into American society.
That SAME troublesome SENATOR TORPEDOED ANY SUPPORT for these shell shocked, anti-communist, Americans and our helpers, the refugees.
Instead, President Ford had to recruit Christian organizations to offer assistance on a voluntary basis. As he did so, the Senator belittled those efforts. What kind of person would oppose President Ford's tireless work to do the right and humanitarian thing? Who would want to play politics with the well-being of innocent people who stood by America in the tragic Vietnam War?

| Předmět: RE:
19.08.21 23:37:51 | #36462 (1)

Good contribution


| Předmět: RE:
20.08.21 00:12:33 | #36463 (1)

Just picture it, this guy has been in politics for fifty fucking years.
As long as I've lived in America.
And I am 69 years old.



| Předmět: RE:
20.08.21 00:39:17 | #36466 (1)

Dekuji…. Briliantni příspěvek…. Snad Ti to nevadí, okopírována jsem to a dala na FB….. this should be posted on every corner!!!! Thx


| Předmět: RE:
20.08.21 08:39:31 | #36500 (1)

Bylo by lepší dělat takovou zahraniční politiku, aby nemusely příslušníci US-Army a velvyslanectví USA odněkud prchat... *33441*
