To je chaba odpoved - jasne nemas na to co rict ... zastavas se svych
bohatych idolu ... popularni fantazie GOP ignorantu.
Co takhle zprava z oficialni website Gary Palmer? On lze GQP blbeckum a placa
se do prsou za uspech Presidenta Bidena Infrastructure Bill, i kdyz volil proti tomu!!. Ja tomu
nerozumim, ale ty jsi jeden z nich a tak urcite rozumis - urcite jsi jiz na lzi
tvych vudcu zvykly. Tobe neporadim aby jsi si neco od GOP nechal tetovat na
prsa, GOP bullshit se moc casto meni
Palmer on New Funding for Birmingham’s Northern
How did Alabama’s representatives vote on the bipartisan
infrastructure bill?
Mozna se ti budou libit vic zpravy z
Dalsi volebni podvod nalezen! tohle stoji za precteni ... je to prdel jaci
MAGAturd revplucionari jsou idioti a chteji delat valku. Neumi si ani utrit
prdel ale bojuji za korupci, lzi, kradeze a mizerii
Nevada Man Featured in GOP Ad on Voter Fraud Admits to Forging Dead
Wife's Name on Ballot
"A business executive from Las Vegas who claimed someone voted as his deceased
wife has pled guilty to voter fraud, the Associated Press reported.
Donald Kirk Hartle entered a plea deal that would allow him to avoid jail
time. Instead, he is expected to pay a $2,000 fine and receive the equivalent of
one year of probation. His plea is scheduled for November 16."
Kdyz volebni podvody jsou tak dulezite pro GQP, tak by mu meli dat alespon 5
let vezeni. Mozna by to i ostatnim kretenum doslo, ze se to delat nema.
GQP nema pater, mozek, moralku, stud.