Rozcestník >> Společnost a komunity >> Amerika, američané, americké zvyky


Název: Amerika, američané, americké zvyky
Kategorie: Společnost a komunity
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Správci: freekarol
Založeno: 21.11.2020 19:40
Typ: Dočasné
Stav: Veřejné
Zobrazeno: 5786700x

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Zobrazení reakcí na příspěvek #53565

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| Předmět: RE: RE:
18.11.21 15:38:10 | #53565
Reakce na příspěvek #53562

Omlouvam se spravcove za delku tohoto prispevlu. ale kratsi to neslo udelat. *33684*

Ja nemohu hodnotit lidi pokud je neznam, to maji ve zvyku jen pravicaci. Z me zkusenosti ale mohu rict: Nemyslim si, ze kazdy pravicak je white supremacist, ale z me zkusenosti vim, ze kazdy white supremacist je pravicak/Repu­blikan.

S tebou je prdel ty vzdelany white supremacisto. Jsi vytahovacny a stupidne uvazujes jakoo tvuj Dear Leader a vetsina pravice . Ten taky sliboval/placal jak je inteligentni, stabilni genius, chytrejsi nez generalove a na vsechno staci on sam …. A pak jen hral golf a kradl *2* *2*. Ukazalo se (podle vypovedi jeho sestrenice Mary L. Trump), ze ten tvuj "inteligentni" vzor si nechal jeho prijimacky na vysokou skolu udelat chytrym spoluzakem kteremu za to zaplati. Jak si vedl na vysoke skole si muzes precist tady:

Co se tyce tve intelligence: Kdyz obdivujes tohoto podvodnika, tak mam vazne pochyby o tve inteligenci. Jak si vedl na vysoke skole si muzes precist tady: *2* *2*

Cindy Atha-Weldon
, Doctorate Psychology, Texas Christian University
Answered 1 year ago · Author has 784 answers and 316.5K answer views
Yes. Dr. William Kelley (Chapman, 2017) called Trump the dumbest student ever. Students said Trump rarely came to class and was always unprepared. The family friend who gave Trump special permission to get into the U of Penn later said he regretted doing so (Fearnow, 2019). After all, as a child, Trump was a failing student until he was sent to military school because of incorrigible behavior. In military school, anyone who committed a dishonest or disruptive act was called “DJT" after the student who had the worst record (Miller, 2016).

Former Wharton Professor: "Donald Trump Was the Dumbest ... › story ›
2017/10/12 ›
Oct 12, 2017 — Late Professor William T. Kelley taught Marketing at Wharton School of Business ... "Donald Trump Was the Dumbest Goddam Student I Ever Had.

Did One of Trump's College Professors Call Him 'the Dumbest ... › trump-was-the-dumbe...
Jan 21, 2020 — Professor Kelley told me 100 times over three decades that “Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had.” I remember his emphasis ...

Years later, Trump still doesn't know much › stories › years-later-trump-s...
Mar 11, 2020 — Professor Kelley told me 100 times over three decades that 'Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had.' I remember his emphasis ...

Donald Trump at Wharton: Fact Checking the President's Time ...
Sep 14, 2019 — Speculation within Trump's inner circle was that Putin must have ... was that he had terrible grades, he was a lackluster student at best.
Speculation within Trump’s inner circle was that Putin must have something on Trump. The pee tape? Evidence that Don Jr. tried to buy Hillary’s emails? His tax returns? Nah. "As Bannon [BANNON!] told Wolff, “nobody gives a fuck” .{color: red}" about that stuff. But, he wondered, “What if they have his college transcript?” 😊😊

Trump Admitted To Wharton With Help From A Family Friend › 2019/07/09
Jul 9, 2019 — Donald Trump's acceptance to Wharton came with direct help from an insider ... that“Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had"


| Předmět: RE: RE: RE:
18.11.21 18:19:12 | #53592 (1)

A co z toho ma neco spolecneho s reverznim rasizmem?
