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obrana?26.12.22 23:13:46 | #94813
Pamatujes jag mladej nemcour pristal v Moskve?
Zrejme se rusak nepoucil a neni shopnej sundat ani male sportovni letadlo.
Ukrajina ma kdyspozici neco co by dokazalo hodit bombu na Moskvu.
Ale nejsou debilove a stačí jim vsechny vojenske cile. A muzou si vybrat.
Rusak je v obrane a tag se vyhrat valka neda.
Ani niceni civilnich obektu nemze vest k viteztvi..
To sidce fungovalo za druhe svetove ale ukrajina nevyrabi uz nic doma.
Jediné co putinovi zbejva je zatahnou do valky Belorusko a to se mu asi
Nepis to tak nahlas, Do Washingtonu se take letalo.
Nasledujici je reportaz na turisticky prelet "no-fly zone" Capitolu
Pilot arrested after small aircraft lands near Capitol
A Florida mailman bent on making a public statement about corruption in
Congress flew a small one-man aircraft through restricted airspace and landed on
the lawn of the U.S. Capitol Wednesday, the latest in a recent series of
startling security breaches at the seat of government in Washington.
No weapons were found on the plane and the man stated he was making an act of
civil disobedience. But the sight of his low and slow-flying aircraft
approaching and landing by Washington's most famous landmarks prompted a brief
security lockdown at the Capitol and raised broader concerns about the
effectiveness of security measures in an area that home to all three branches of
"In an email to WUSA-TV in Washington, Hughes provided information on his
flight and said he was delivering letters to every member of Congress. He
provided a link to a website, TheDemocracyClub.org, with information about his
He described the plane as "a 250-pound ultralight gyroplane,'' a type of
aircraft often called a "gyrocopter," made from kits and propelled by a small
motor with room for only a pilot on board. "I'm the pilot,'' he wrote.
"What's unique and newsworthy is the delivery,'' he wrote to the TV station.
"I'm going to land my gyro on the front lawn of the Capitol Building at the top
end of the National Mall. The issue is important enough to defy the no-fly zone
and risk life and limb, and my freedom in pursuit of an honest government that
represents the people.''
On the website, he wrote: "This isn't my regular route. I'm a mailman in
Riverview, FL – near Tampa. I'm 61 years old, married, with four children. I
flew with my father who was a private pilot, fixed wing and almost helicopter.
I've been flying gyrocopters for over a year.''
Ve Washingtonu bylo mnoho takovych poruseni ...
"Bezpečnostní pop[lach přišel poté, co se v sobotu před Kapitolem
zastřelil muž, což si také vyžádalo dočasné uzamčení. V lednu se na
trávník u Bílého domu zřítil malý dron. A loni v září muž
identifikovaný jako Omar J. Gonzalez přeskočil plot a vstoupil do Bílého
domu dveřmi North Portico, přemohl důstojníka tajné služby a proběhl
částí hlavního podlaží, než byl napaden a poražen."