GalvestomTX Uživatel je online | Předmět: RE: RE:30.10.23 20:55:51 | #132991 (2)
v Italii najdes luparu v kazde doacnosti! Je to tam beznejsi nez koste!
Proc vy MAGAturds jen placate? Lzete? A to chces aby ti nekdo veril qa nebo
te bral alespon vazne?
Ja vedel hovno, jako ty, o italskych zkonech ohedne strelnych zbrani. Rozdil
mezi tebou a mnou je v tom, ze ja pisi pravdu a ty nesmyslne bez dukazu jen
trapne kecas at je to o tve dvojite doktorce manzelce a nebo o vyzivani k
virtualnimu souboji
. Mozna MAGAturds ti
to zerou, ale normalni lide “not so much”. Jen pro nas odhalujes stupen tve
“v Italii najdes luparu v kazde doacnosti!”
- Odkud mas tyhle zpravy?
- Maji je legalne?
- Diskuze byla o “gun control zakonech” a ne co ma kdo nezakonne v baraku ... vis ty luparo?
Pocti si at se nemesis ztrapnivat.
Things changed, and deeply so, in 1926, and then again in 1931, and 1933, first with the approval then with the subsequent extension and amendment of the so-called TULPS (“Testo Unico delle Leggi di Pubblica Sicurezza” or Unified Public Safety Laws Texts in English), written when the Prime Minister of Italy was a certain guy named Benito Mussolini. You know you’re in trouble when gun laws are passed under a fascist regime, and indeed the TULPS introduced numerous restrictions, including the fact that now gun shop owners had to identify anyone who bought firearms or ammunition through their national identity card, and the buyers had subsequently to register their owned guns with law enforcement. [Tak to Chodi v diktatoriatu o ktgery tak hrdinne bojujete … ty secund amendment ].
What the TULPS obtained — aside from **barring civilians from accessing
basically anything that was in use by the military and law enforcement, not
limited to machine-guns, but also bolt-action rifles and mere pistols — was to
provide the fascist regime with the tool required to disarm those individuals,
and portions of the population at large, that weren’t considered faithful
enough to the dictatorship. It didn’t, however, manage to reach its goal in
such a total and pervasive way as the Reichswaffengesets did in Nazi Germany.