Ano, porota ho osvobodila se soudcovym palcem na vaze.
“Kenosha County Circuit Judge Bruce Schroeder, however, ordered that other
words could be used — "rioters," "looters" or "arsonists" — if Rittenhouse's
defense attorneys can provide the evidence that they had engaged in those
As he set the ground rules for the trial, Schroeder said this week that the
label "victim" is a "loaded word" and that even the use of
"alleged victim" is too close, telling prosecutors that "complaining witness" or
"decedent" are acceptable alternatives.
"This is a long-held opinion of mine, which very few judges, I guess, share
with me," Schroeder said.”
Toto samozrejme odzbroji/omezi prokuratora kdyz nesmi popsat presne co se
stalo a porota dostane zkresleny vyznam celeho pripadu.
Definice slova victim ( oběť) je naprosto presne to co Kyle jeho
oběim udelal.
vic·tim /ˈviktəm/
a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other
event or action.
"victims of domestic violence"
Kady by se mel sebe otazat: Stalo by se to kdyby ten blbecek neprisel na tu
demonstranci a nebo prisel beze zbrani?
To je ohromna dira v zakonu kdyz soudce muze prikazat ktera slova se maji
pouzivat aby zmenila smysl/vyznam/pravdu udalosti. To je ve Wisconsin legalni a
soudce si muze vybrat komu tak chce pomoct a komu ne. Neuveritelne, ze? Uvidis,
ze beammeup nam zase pripomene orweluv Newspeak 😊
Bylo to divadylko ktereho rozsudek ma potenci zapricinit dalsi zraneni a
vrazdy na americkych ulicich priblblymi vrahy, radoby super hrdiny. Ozbrojeny
blb utocnik si najde cloveka nebo skupinu lidi ktere nema rad a vyhrozuje jim
zbrani. Napadeny zpanikari, pokusi se odzbrojit utocnika a utocnik v
“sebeobrane” ho zastreli.
**Insane! **