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Název: Amerika, američané, americké zvyky
Kategorie: Společnost a komunity
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Správci: freekarol
Založeno: 21.11.2020 19:40
Typ: Dočasné
Stav: Veřejné
Zobrazeno: 5795999x

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Zobrazení reakcí na příspěvek #86276

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| Předmět: RE:
14.10.22 22:52:53 | #86276
Reakce na příspěvek #86206

Hej debile … FOX/Hannity ti zase nasral do hlavy, hmmmm? Napis si do pamatnicku “Kdyz opakuju FUCKING FAKE FOX NEWS tak LZU”. *7487*

Predevsema se omluv a lhal jsi jen proto, ze jsi blbej. Kdyz se neomluvis, ze oblbujes jako fasista/Putinovec, tak jsi prachsprosta kupa hnoje *33684* *7487* *7487* .

The false GOP claim that Pelosi turned down National Guard before Jan. 6 attack

The false GOP claim that Pelosi turned down National Guard before Jan. 6 attack

“Donald Trump authorized up to 20,000 National Guard troops to protect the Capitol" before Jan. 6, 2021, but was "rejected" by Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.

  1. There is no record of former President Donald Trump officially authorizing 20,000 National Guard troops for the U.S. Capitol ahead of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack.
  2. There is no evidence that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi denied such an authorization, and experts said she doesn’t have the authority to do so in the first place.
  3. A Vanity Fair report said Trump made a passing remark to his acting defense secretary about potentially needing 10,000 National Guard troops, not 20,000. But there’s no evidence the comment was treated as a formal authorization.

POLITIFACTS Zdroje informaci na absolutni vyvraceni tve dalsi debilni LZI
Fox News, "Hannity," June 9, 2022

District of Columbia National Guard, "About Us," accessed June 13, 2022

Media Matters for America, "Fox News repeats the lie that Trump called for 20,000 troops to secure Capitol on January 6," June 10, 2022

Just the News, "Trump Pentagon first offered National Guard to Capitol four days before Jan. 6 riots, memo shows," June 8, 2022

USA Today , "Fact check: Trump repeats false claim that Pelosi rejected request for National Guard ahead of Jan. 6," Dec. 16, 2021

The Washington Post, "No, Trump did not order 10,000 troops to secure the Capitol on Jan. 6," Dec. 15, 2021

CNN, "Former DC National Guard commander meets with January 6 committee," Dec. 13, 2021

Lawfare, "Defense Department Inspector General Releases Report on January 6 Preparation and Response," Nov. 18, 2021

Snopes, "Did Pelosi Prevent National Guard from Responding to Capitol Attack?" July 27, 2021

U.S. Senate, "Examining the U.S. Capitol Attack: A Review of the Security, Planning and Response Failures on January 6," June 1, 2021

WSLS 10 on YouTube, "WATCH LIVE: House holds hearing on Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection," May 12, 2021

U.S. Senate, "Written Testimony of USCP Former Chief of Police Steven A. Sund before the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration and the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee," Feb. 23, 2021, "WATCH LIVE Senate committees hold hearing on Capitol attack," Feb. 23, 2021

Vanity Fair, "‘The President Threw Us Under the Bus’: Embedding with Pentagon Leadership in Trump’s Chaotic Last Week," Jan. 22, 2021, "Timeline of National Guard Deployment to Capitol," Jan. 13, 2021

NPR, "Your Questions About How The National Guard Works In D.C., Answered," Jan. 12, 2021

U.S. Department of Defense, "Planning and Execution Timeline for the National Guard’s Involvement in the January 6, 2021 Violent Attack at the U.S. Capitol," Jan. 8, 2021

U.S. National Guard, "DOD details National Guard response to Capitol attack," Jan. 8, 2021

PolitiFact, "No, Pelosi was not calling all the shots for Capitol security officials on Jan. 6," Aug. 5, 2021

PolitiFact, "No proof Trump requested 10,000 Guard troops for Jan. 6 or that Pelosi denied it," March 2, 2021

PolitiFact, "No, Capitol security is not only Pelosi’s responsibility, but she bears some," Feb. 25, 2021

Email interview with Erica Knight, spokesperson for Kash Patel, June 20, 2022

Email statement from the U.S. Department of Defense, June 10, 2022

Email statement from the National Guard Bureau, June 10, 2022

Email interview with Jane L. Campbell, president and CEO of the U.S. Capitol Historical Society, June 20, 2022

Email interview with Dwight Stirling, founder and CEO of the Center for Law and Military Policy, June 10, 2022


| Předmět: RE: RE:
14.10.22 23:05:49 | #86281 (1)

Příště to smažu a je jedno, jak dlouhý příspěvek to bude.
