Jeste mi rekni, ze Texas nikdy nepatril Mexiku
Podle normalnich dejin:
Texas was annexed by the United States in 1845 and became the 28th state. Until
1836, Texas had been part of Mexico, but in that year a group
of settlers from the United States who lived in Mexican Texas declared
To mi pripomina Ukrajinu ... Putin take vyhlasil kus Ukrajiny cast Ruska
Mozna jsi slysel o Alamo?
In December 1835, in the early stages of Texas' war for independence, a group of Texan (or Texian)
volunteers led by George Collinsworth and Benjamin Milam overwhelmed the Mexican
garrison at the Alamo and captured the fort, seizing control of San Antonio.
Jeste mi rekni, ze obcanska valka o otrokarstvi vubec nebyla . To si mozna
rednecks v Texasu (a jinde na jihu) rikaji ale samozrejme to pravda neni.
Obcanska valka nebyl "one issue conflict", bylo to o nekolika bodech "
disagreements over slavery, states vs. federal
rights, the election of Abraham Lincoln, and the economy". Jizane kteri
obcanskou valku prohrali se snazi vypadat lidsky.
13th amendment, ktery oficielne ukoncil otrokarstvi ve vsech statech USA, byl
odhlasovan hned po obcanske valce ... nahoda?
Ztrapnujes se ... ty zdelanej strumpovateli