Ale vzdyd’ jsi apsal, ze zichr ti nestoji za udavani. To znamena, ze jsou
jini kteri ti stoji za to je udat. Ty by jsi podtrhl v tlacenici kde koho … i
kamarady (mas-li nejake).
Ja vim o zidovskych umelcich a vedcich. Mnohokrat jsem to zde uvedl, ze je
uznavam. Jsou vzdelani, maji prehled a proto vetsina jich jsou Demokrate. Ja si
zivot nekomplikuju delenim lidi na tuzne skupiny ktere pak mohu nenavidet podle
barvy pleti a nebo jejich viry. Ja jednoduse davam prednost lidem kteri mluvi
pravdu at jsou kdokoliv. Ty samozrejme mezi ne nepatris … tobe se neda verit
ani pozdrav.
Nakonec i Jezis byl socialista:
"Many older folk in particular are dismayed by socialism’s resurgence because
they conflate socialism with repressive Communist regimes of the 20th century.
They’re not wrong to be concerned. Much evil has been done in the name of
socialism. Just because evil has been done in the name of socialism doesn’t
mean the ideals socialism promotes are evil per se. Christianity and
socialism overlap, not in terms of a political system, but as a
practical way of living."
"Modern political socialism by contrast espouses some of the same values
exemplified by the early Church, but it does it without Jesus. It replaces
voluntary acts of love and self-giving with political system that ultimately
relies on coercion, bureaucracy and force."